A new year, and funny whatsit thingy.

Jan 01, 2005 23:15

So, Christmas was excellent. Saw all of my friends (except Stacey because she's a hardcore working gal), which was lovely and was great catching up with them all, had a great time with my family. It was really nice to be away from home for so long and come back to have such a nice time. I've had a week off over Christmas, which was great & I'm ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

benneth January 1 2005, 23:26:50 UTC
That one upset was very traumatic for me too... Back when that was happening, I never would have thought we'd still be together now. I'm very glad we still are. Wish I was still going to America with you :( love you lots and lots and lots


sooz_of_lurve January 2 2005, 22:17:13 UTC

I might do a thank you type update at some point too ... its well cute!!

I needed you to help me through college aswell ... even with our funny arguments! LOVE YOU!!



frostypops January 4 2005, 12:54:54 UTC
ooh a special mention I feel very privaledged, although you forgot to mention that i'm your potato pal, i think thats what i should be now called.


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