Syndicated Sci-Fi Show Master Post

May 14, 2010 23:42

Poster by davincis_girl 

Summary:  Sam and Dean have been lurching from show to show for days. They've been injured, humiliated, screwed with, and forced to live really bad writing. When they're finally plunked down in something a little calmer, if a little odd, they dare to hope they're being allowed a breather episode. After all, it seems to be a show about an expedition poking around some completely non-ominous ruins- like a fantasy version of a history channel special, the boys are sure it's bound to be nice and boring.

Word Count: 34,000
Spoilers: "Changing Channels" (5x08) for Supernatural; Early season 7 (at least past Fragile Balance) for SG:1.
Characters/Parings: the Winchesters, SG-1. Appearances from Castiel, Gabriel, Jacob Carter, General Hammond, Janet Fraiser. No pairings.
Warnings: Bad language
Artist: The lovely and talented davincis_girl was my pinch-hit artist.  Art master post here
Bonus art from my original artist, skylar0grace  can be found at the master post here.

Author's Notes: Slightly AU for "Changing Channels". This originated with the " Kripke Started It"  crossover comment fic meme. Expanding it was utter self-indulgence, but it soon took on a life of its own.
Thanks goes to tassosss and amanofmydreams for their very good suggestions and advice.

Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three  Chapter Four


Chapter Five   Chapter Six

spn, fiction, syndicated scifi show, bigbang

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