Jules Verne - 20K Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth (he also wrote one about the moon)
HG Wells - The Time Machine, War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (sorry, I forget who wrote that one)
Those are the foundational guys as far as sci-fi goes.
Robots and aliens and space, oh my!:
Douglas Adams - ALL THE DOUGLAS ADAMS, I can't sing this guy's praises enough. ...Well okay you can skip Mostly Harmless, but the other 4 of the Hitchhiker's Trilogy are awesomesauce and the Dirk Gently books are a lot of fun, once you know what's going on.
Isaac Asimov - I, Robot and the Foundation trilogy are the big ones for me, but he wrote a lot.
Robert Heinlein's okay sometimes, but also holy misogyny Batman
2001: A Space Odyssey
Out of the Silent Planet (a lot of people will throw Narnia at you and think that covers CS Lewis. They're wrong.)
This is hardly a comprehensive list. If something turns out to be your bag, Bar can probably fill in the gaps I'm not thinking of. Not to mention this isn't even getting into movies and TV, or comics.
--oh, and don't try HP Lovecraft unless you have a VERY strong horror stomach.