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Jan 24, 2005 19:38

Inspired partly by the incense burning next to me and partly by the letters written to Johnny Truant by his mother (the words, not the content), I bring you a 200+ word blurb of descriptive nothingness. If you'd be so kind as to read it...

Ghosts-like the smoke of incense, a translucent swirl in the air, gray and white, never ending, touchless, shapeless, that makes its way around any obstacle so fluidly. They break the monotony of the crystalline nothingness that we never really see. If you do not stir, do not breathe, they are smooth-a small stream, undisturbed by touch or sound or force of gravity, or any of that human non-sense. But a slight change in the air, one atom pushes another pushes another, and they become a violent storm. And if you try to hold them in your hand, they will singe your fingers and singe your lungs when you breathe them in. Yet they tease with a glimpse of color, a hint of something that might be there on something that isn’t really there at all. They tease when the smoke of what was once a soul unfurls its wings and disappears, like the whisper of a strand of hair filled with wisdom. They aren’t here for themselves, only for you-waiting for open eyes, unclouded by the mundane, so that they can reveal evanescent glimpses of another dimension, something altogether different-teasing, fluid wisps of smoke, swirls that disappear into nothing.

I burned half a stick of incense just staring at it and playing with it and trying to capture it in a jar. Its one of the most beautiful things I've ever scene. As for the letters-- I was reading the appendix today and... theyre so... psychological... lol. OK. Aside for them being so beautifully worded I almost passed out, there is so much revealed in what are just everyday ideas (i wont say words, as those are not very 'everyday'). I might just be reading too much into it, but... I dont know. Theyre haunting. The only other book I read that I could describe as haunting was Dream Boy, and that was just the first (2) times. because the first time i was depressed for close to two weeks after i finished it XD. But anyway. Dinner.
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