So the deadbeats finally left the back of our duplex. While many renters are good people who live and leave their units nicely As of late we have not been so lucky. I suppose i deserve this, i wouldnt kick a family out over the winter holidays... sooo they just clogged up the septic and let it backflow into the unit. We were not aware of the problem and so it has set for about a week and a half. I think i puked my breakfast thoroughly this morning, and still havent been able to eat much.
Now i have rented more than a few places in my life, and never have i left feces literally everywhere. All who know me know i am not one to condemn people, but i hope these people learn a few hard lifes lessons. Lord knows i did today!
I would love to get out of the rental business, but noone is buying and we have had the places for sale forever! I wish i could in some way warn the new landlord, but i figure that will just land me in court for slander. Some people are just Asswipes, and I am glad these ones are finally gone!
Ok thanks to all who read this, you deserve a dozen cookies, and my gratitude as it made me feel a bit better!.