Title: Beautiful People
Author: Clea2011
Rating: 12
Characters: Leek, Caroline, Connor
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
A/N: Written for the
primeval_denial 2nd Team Fest Oliver Leek Drabble Tree. Prompt in bold.
Beautiful People
Leek had always envied the beautiful people.
Caroline was very beautiful, and didn't she know it? She knew it when he tried to chat her up at a business conference, and she'd turned her delicate nose up at him. It served her right that she'd fallen on hard times since then and was desperate for cash. Leek knew just how desperate, and wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole after some of the stories he'd heard.
That jumped-up little geek Temple, though, he deserved whatever he caught. And right now he probably thought he'd caught himself an unbelievable prize.