Jan 20, 2015 09:00
Kay loved her tiara.
Even years later when she had changed, and was far too big to wear it ever again, she still kept it around.
There was one time, though, when she nearly lost it. This is the story of that time, and also the story of how Marcus almost lost his tail.
Once upon a time, there were three cute little puppies called Alex, Marcus and Kay. They had soft puppy blankets with paw prints on them and lots of big tough uncles who went all soppy as soon as they saw the pups and tended to buy them nice presents (except Uncle Lyle who always bought them smelly pigs ears). They also had two very handsome fathers who doted on them all.
When it came around to their birthdays, the pups were allowed to have all their friends round for parties. This was huge fun for the pups, although their fathers always seemed to be very tired afterwards. The boys wore cowboy hats to the parties, and Kay always wore her pretty tiara, because Kay was a girl and liked pretty things. She also liked pigs ears, rough and tumble games and anything her brothers were getting up to. But the girly things were all hers and she wasn’t going to be sharing them. Ever. Until, one day, she padded into her bedroom and found Marcus in there trying on her tiara!
Kay yipped and barked in annoyance, and then dived at Marcus, trying to retrieve her precious treasure. But the naughty little black pup, instead of dropping the tiara, kept it on and tried to escape with it.
Marcus, obviously, thought he was going to take Kay’s place as the princess at their next party. Kay wasn’t having that. She chased her brother into his bedroom, round his bedroom, back out again, down the stairs, across the hallway, through the living room and out into the kitchen, barking angrily the whole time.
“Woah!” Ryan cried, almost tripping over the blur of black and brown fur as the pups dashed past him. “Stop!”
They did, just for the briefest of moments, looking up at their father guiltily…and then Marcus apparently saw his chance to escape. The little pup door was right there, and he dashed for it.
The trouble was, the pups were starting to get a little big for the flap. Marcus could make it halfway, and then needed to wriggle a bit. Alex couldn’t get through at all any more, and even Kay tended to struggle. But Marcus had to try.
Marcus made it halfway. And then he tried to wriggle. But Marcus had eaten two pigs ears that morning, as well as his breakfast and a treat he’d managed to wangle from the kindly lady next door who thought he was adorable. His tummy was very full, and sadly Marcus became well and truly stuck.
Kay, never one to miss an opportunity, leapt up and grabbed hold of Marcus’ tail in her mouth, pulling hard. Marcus gave an angry yip, wriggled again, realised he was stuck, and let out a mournful howl.
It wasn’t so much a loud howl as a little puppy wail, but it brought Becker and Alex running from the garden.
Ryan was already trying to free the stuck pup, ably helped by a very determined Kay who was still pulling hard.
“Kay, stop that,” Ryan ordered.
Kay stopped pulling, but didn’t actually let go of her quarry even when Becker carefully opened the door with poor little Marcus still stuck in it.
“Somebody ate too many pigs ears,” Becker admonished, tapping his younger son on the nose. “I’ve told you that you’re all getting too big for the pup flap.” He looked up at Ryan. “We’ll have to cut him out.”
Marcus gave a whine of horror, and even Kay looked faintly appalled. She reluctantly let go of Marcus’ tail.
“Or he could stay there until he’s slimmed down enough to fit through,” Ryan suggested.
That provoked an even bigger wail from Marcus.
“We’ll use grease, and see if he can go backwards first,” Becker decided.
Kay, helpfully, grabbed hold of Marcus’ tail again and pulled hard, and Alex started pushing his brother from the other side until Marcus nipped him and he stopped.
“Leave him, kids, we’ll sort it out,” Ryan advised.
It took a lot of grease and a fair amount of wriggling and pushing, but finally Marcus was freed. Becker took him off for a by then much-needed bath, and Kay finally managed to retrieve her tiara.
There was a small dent in it but it was otherwise unharmed, much like her brother.
Alex was watching her. Quickly, before he got any ideas, she raced back up to her room with the tiara and hid it under the bed. She was not sharing her girl things with those boys.
Perhaps she could get her dads to put a lock on her door…
primeval bingo,
trope bingo,