Title: Stephen vs Becker Parts 7 and 8 (Scarred For Life and I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here)
Author: Clea2011
Rating: 15
Characters: Stephen/Becker
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
Spoilers: No
Word count: 100 x 2
A/N: Written for the
primeval_denial 2nd Team Fest Stephen Drabble Tree. Prompts in bold.
Parts 1-3 here Parts 4-6 here Scarred For Life
Captain Perfect was of course far superior in bed. His cock was bigger, his muscles firmer, his chest hairier and he could keep going all night. Even his scar artfully highlighted his eyebrow and looked distinguished. (Stephen had a puckered sandworm claw mark on his hip that didn't look half as good.)
Not that Stephen minded benefitting from this, but he was totally knackered in the morning, and had even worse bed head than usual. At least, he thought as he rolled over to gaze at his lover, he would finally see Becker looking rumpled and dishevelled.
Not a chance.
I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!
He'd barely slept in days, and ached in unusual places, but finally things were improving for Stephen.
The latest anomaly had resulted in the usual crowd of annoying TV crews following Becker around, flashing their cameras and spooking the dinosaurs. But Hello! magazine had asked Stephen to do a photoshoot, and the TV crew wanted to interview him. He was finally getting some recognition.
The photoshoot was almost pornographic, but he was looking forward to the interview. He wondered which area of palaeontology they'd want to talk about.
"So," said the eager young reporter. "What's it like shagging Captain Becker?!"
Part 9 here