Title: The Reunion
Author: Clea2011
Word Count: 100
Characters: Emily
Rating: 12
Spoilers: No
Warnings: Normal doom and gloom service is back! *beams happily*
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
A/N: For the
primeval100 challenge 292: Reunion.
(Also apologies that I'm a little behind on comments/replies, holiday/Christmas/House sale is all combining to slow me down)
The Reunion
In her years away, Emily had seen the strength of a mother's love.
She hoped that might be her salvation.
It took nearly all day to walk home, the anomaly dumping her on the wrong side of London.
There was something in her mother's expression when she opened the door. Emily wasn't quite sure what it was. Not relief. Something else.
In another time, she could have said that she'd left him, that she wasn't going back.
But her parents didn't hear.
Two hours later, Henry was in her father's office.
When the summons came, her feet felt like lead.