Title: Mending
Author: Clea2011
Word Count: 100
Characters: Jess (Becker/Jess implied)
Rating: 12
Spoilers: No
Warnings: Major character death
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
A/N: For the
primeval100 challenge 304: Make Do and Mend
Jess's wardrobe wasn't that spectacular now.
These days it all fitted into just one backpack. Every single item was strong, durable, things she'd never realised she was. Most of it was khaki, grey or black. Bleak.
She sat under one of the lamps they'd rigged up in the underground shelter, mending a tear in the elbow of her jacket, the scrape on her arm just a dull pain.
One of the soldiers was holding a ripped shirt, hovering uncertainly. His expression reminded her of Becker, long ago.
Now that was just a dull pain too.
She held out her hand.