Title: Every Woman For Herself
Author: Clea2011
Word Count: 100
Characters: Jess, Emily
Rating: 12
Spoilers: No
Warnings: No
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
A/N: For the
primeval100 challenge 309: It's a jungle out there
Every Woman For Herself...
Jess fought under the laws of the jungle.
Emily watched as she elbowed aside a couple of girls who looked as if they hadn't seen a biscuit in the last decade, ducked under the arm of a woman who was holding up a decidedly indecent dress, and then snatched her prize from right under the nose of a rival.
When she returned, cuddling a dangerous-looking pair of red-soled heels, her makeup was smudged and her hair had come loose, but she was grinning triumphantly.
"There's still lots of great stuff left! Quick, dive in!"
Emily regarded the sample sale dubiously.