Again, posting about Warcraft, ignore at your discretion.
This one is entitled, Things to do in Warcraft when you are bored. As I said before, I spent a good deal of time soloing and doing stupid things which probably qualify as Stupid Pet Tricks, or rather Stupid Paladin Tricks. I am Protection Spec, which means my specialty skills center on damage reduction, and the use of Shields offensively. This is the primary spec for Paladins aspiring to be a Tank. This spec has some interesting side effects, such as it is most efficient when the Paladin engages ALOT of monsters at once. This is due to how some of the skills react to attacks upon the Paladin. Most of the Prot Spec skills proc [activate] due to incoming damage and have short durations. But during the duration they mitigate [reduce] tremendous amounts of damage OR cause the Paladin to make an attack upon the attacker outside of the Paladin's normal swing time. This has the net effect of increasing the Paladin's DPS dramatically. The drawback is that in order to maintain these skills as active, you have to be beat on by alot of things so you maximize the chance and amount of time that the skills activate. So, I agrro [agrro is a term from Everquest, it is the act of making a monster become aggressive towards you, usually through an attack or by proximity.] multiple things at once. When bored I try out things that are stupid for anyone else, such as entering an Instance Dungeon and agrroing the entire thing.
The Boss is in there somewhere... This is the Stockades, and before you criticize, yes I know it is way below my level, just illustrating my point.
More level appropriate, Ogres in Zangamarsh.
One of the assets the Paladin has is the ability to fight multiple mobs [monsters] at once, where most other classes die horribly when zerged. [Zerged is a term from another Blizzard game, Starcraft; it means to overwhelm and opponent with numbers] There are several factors to this ability, the skills above surely, but also the ability to use spells to heal or recover mana while fighting, these are called Seals, which are a primary way Paladins buff themselves. Mana is a big problem, as Paladins have a timer of sorts as to how effective they can remain in a fight, Mana is zero, no pretty spells to help out. Fortunately Seals can recover mana at a chance to proc per hit, which keeps us in a fight. But, the biggest advance came as a result of a patch to game mechanics which allowed our healer to add mana back to our pool with simple healing spells. This has made all the difference, and guarantees that a properly supported Paladin will be able to last through a difficult fight.
Anyways, on to other things to do when Bored. Like take screenshots of weird Graphical errors in WoW. Such as the Day of the Popcorn Invasion. The trees were not correctly shading the leaves, leaving just blank spaces instead of the branches it normally shows.
Menethil and the the Attack of the Killer Popcorn.
But the best example of what to do when Bored has to be Kiting [forcing a mob to chase you] a world boss or unique mob to an entirely inappropriate area for its level.. The next pics show a Servant of Alistari from the Blasted Lands (who cannot be killed unless on a certain quest and you destroy a crystal in the Blasted Lands) is pulled to Stormwind, the Capital of the Human race in the game. It is where the lowbies hang out, and a great number of the higher level people go to auction their finds. So, this guy is pulled to Stormwind, and we all wind up beating on him to discover nothing happens. He keeps fighting, we keep hitting him, and so this went on for three hours plus. Why? One thing about WoW is that the more you fight the higher your skill level gets with the weapon you use. Early on we figured out that if we take all the weapons we normally dont use, and beat on him, we level our weapon skills for free! I leveled my skills in at least three weapons to 300 during this Mosh pit event. For most of it we were having one guy tank the dude, and healing as needed, then he went afk, and the Stormwind Guards took over. I must have combat healed Officer Brady a million times as he tanked this mob..
In the Palace at Stormwind, we started this fight in the Trade District, and pulled him all the way here.
Anywho, the last thing to do when bored I am going to talk about is playing Dress up. Yes its girly but we all have done it. This last is amusing from the fact that I tried to find a set of armor that looked like Aramis from Avalon Larp. I think I succeeded what do you think?
Selrik as Aramis in Telredor, Zangamarsh