Title: Repressed Affections
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Pairing(s): Sephiroth x Genesis Rhapsodos, [implied past!Angeal/Genesis]
Rating: T
Prompt: Secret
Word Count: 225
Warning(s): nothing too bad, just some SADNESS.
A/N: <3? For
scrawl_calibur He had always kept things hidden from the General.
Not that he didn't trust him. Oh, he did. Genesis trusted Sephiroth so much it scared him. He had trusted Angeal that much once but once they had passed into SOLIDER, the two had a falling out. Sure, they were still best friends, that never changed but Angeal didn't make him feel safe anymore.
And it scared him how much Genesis wanted to be safe in Sephiroth's arms.
So he kept a secret. Then another secret. Most of them were his own feelings he was trying to repress those feelings of affection but they just kept growing... and growing... and growing until he thought he'd burst.
Genesis leaned up and ran his fingers through the silver strands and breathed in the scent of something that could only be described as pure Sephiroth. He had not expected the General to take a hold of his chin and guide his lips towards his. Genesis had not thought that Sephiroth was capable of love or even knew what it was but he had been wrong.
The Red Commander looked down at his Loveless book once more and let the large black wing freedom. He sighed and flew away from the ShinRa building.
He had been wrong a lot lately.