Title: You Can Say A Prayer If You Need To
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Pairing(s): Sephiroth x Genesis
Rating: M
Prompt: Pure
Word Count: 365
Warning(s): Sadness.
A/N: Eh. It took me awhile to get over my killer cold and a writer's block. Terribly sorry!
It started out small. A few cuts and bruises, nothing too bad. It wasn't until he had horrible pains that Genesis began to worry.
Hojo was always testing Sephiroth, wanting to make him better, faster, stronger... it didn't matter if his body limits couldn't handle it or that his mind was fragile enough as it was, all that mattered was that he could do it and still see results.
Results were everything and nothing.
If he didn't get good results, he punished him. If his results were improving, Hojo pushed him harder. It was a lose-lose situation.
Sephiroth groaned on the bed, cringing at the sudden pain in his sleep. Genesis moved quickly, leaning over and stroking his hair. Whispering calming and loving words to distract him from the pain. It was horrible, seeing his love like this. It made him sick to his stomach, a bright and burning rage to kill Hojo in the slowest way possible.
Even though Hojo had brought Sephiroth so much pain, he couldn't just kill him. Not just because he was a valued member of ShinRa. Not just because he felt some weird loyalty to the man.
Because like it or not, that was the man that gave him life. And try as he might to hate him, there was a part of Hojo that he loved because he was the only father he had or gotten to know.
And Genesis knew this.
So did Hojo... and he often enjoyed ripping this pureness out of Sephiroth with each experiment. Injecting him with only Gaia knew what, and making him feel pain beyond his painful nightmares.
Genesis kissed his cheek and felt tears swell in his eyes. Sephiroth was asleep now, the potion and Cura doing him good finally
It was okay to cry, Genesis thought. It was okay to cry but Sephiroth wouldn't. Not for himself. Never for himself.
So Genesis cried in the dark of their shared room.
He cried the tears that Sephiroth could not. He cried for Sephiroth's pureness... because he loved him his damaged God.