Title: Sweet Dream Didn't Show
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Pairing(s): Sephiroth x Genesis
Rating: M
Prompt: Taint
Word Count: 243
Warning(s): Language, sexual references, character death
A/N: I pulled this one out of my ass. It doesn't make sense. I'm sorry. xD
It was tainted. Their love.
Sephiroth was slowly losing his mind, Genesis' greed and selfishness clouded over his judgement.
But they tried. So hard.
It was kiss that couldn't be described as anything but passionate, hard, lust filled... there was no love in this kiss. Not like there used to be. Not now.
Angeal was dead. Zack was dead. Lazard was dead. ShinRa was pretty much dead.
They were the only ones left.
Genesis groaned as Sephiroth's lips descended on his neck, remembering old memories of them together. It made him want to cry. Break down.
No. He couldn't do that. The red head pushed his lover back suddenly and turned away. "Miss me that bad, huh?"
"Of course I did, songbird." He cooed, wrapping his arms around his waist. Genesis gave an audible gasp.
"You missed me too." Sephiroth smirked. "Or would you prefer Angeal? He always knew how to fuck you right didn't he?"
The Red General pushed him away, angry in his eyes. "Fuck you. Don't speak his name." He left me. Left me for that puppy of his.
Sephiroth smirked and gave him a 'come hinder' look as he made his way to the bedroom.
Their love wasn't love anymore.
It was to be tainted.. in blood.
In swears.
In anger.
And in shame.