This journal is semi friends only.
Rated fics will be locked after 24 hours.
Comment and let me get to know you a little before adding please :)
Hello hello! The name is Nina, and let me start this post by saying I really have no clue how to use Live Journal. Woo. You are probably better off attempting to catch me on tumblr
here. This journal will mainly be for fic writing purposes although I may post a few odd bits about my personal life in here from time to time.
Before you friend me, please do leave a comment introducing yourself. I am pretty awkward turtles when it comes to meeting new people, even on the internet. Please understand that I am a completely different person when writing than when fangirling (the main difference lies in how coherent I am OTL) so don't be afraid if I jump at your comments with capslock some day. If you really want to be mutual friends, know that I'll probably be expecting a selca. Huzzah.
If it wasn't obvious enough, currently the twelve EXO derps are dominating my life. When I'm not rolling in feels about those boys, I'm likely to be doodling, writing, or singing. The internet is my release from the hells of architecture school.
That's about it; If you want to know more, feel free to ask or drop by the FAQ page on my tumblr.
...I have no idea how to end a post appropriately. ヽ( ̄□ ̄;)┌