1.Name: forgotten evil ( grace )
2.Promote this community in one other place (not unreasonable) and give the direct link here.
http://vampirefreaks.com/profile.php?user=anarchy_linkin_park (comment section)
3. Post up to a maximum of three poems or A piece of prose (however long you see fit.)
Tied down whether with thought or pressure
Transported to chaos, the form that you will never know
For here there is too much silence
The sort that attacks and mauls at your ears
Rips and shreds at your flesh
Leaving it a deteriorating tingling hallucination
Aspirations crumble to ash in your hands
Taunting screeching fences
Fill your sightless vision
Corrosion corrupts your freedom
Convulsing terror freezes your indiscretion
As indifference resonates into failing irony
Standing on her stretching veranda
Worn broom
Bristles tired from years of torture
The old wood beneath her dancing feet
Creaks in protest
Yet still she turns
Her partner
Ever enthusiastically unmoving
Her memory takes her back to years of old…
Swaying gums
Hay smell lingeringly refreshing
In the damp night air
The music of the insects and town band
Hushed chatter and awes
As they captivated their worlds
Soft disturbed dirt creating a gentle mist
Providing the illusion of dreams
In that moment they were
Dreams come true
Fears still lingered strongly
Doubt running them both
Despair drove them on
And it made them beautiful
As they spun together as one
His arms were strong
Not promising a safety they couldn’t deliver
Her hands gentle
The strength of her self-reliance ruling
And still she twirls to the memory
As she keeps her vigil on the horizon
Her partner soon appears
His day of dreaming done
And she runs
Flinging the image behind her
As she picks him up
And they twirl as one image
Stretched open to reveal ribs
The children lie fascinated peering out of their cribs
Watching for centuries, hunger renewed
Lick each other clean, the family feud
Thick masking tape will cover
Masked to the hands of a passion filled lover
Your mothers harking now do you cry
Take a piece of her piecrust lie