accent - Well I don't think I have one, but everyone will disagree with me if I say no, so..Midwestern with a hint of southern
breast size - 36 Double D
chore you hate - Dishes, I refuse
dad's name - Bob
essential makeup item - Foundation, course
gold or silver - silver, gold is ew
hometown - Well I live in downtown, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
insomnia - horribly, you'll find me on the net at 4am nightly
job title - *sigh* no job.
kids - ehhhh
living arrangements - father, mother, poochies, and mercutio
mum's birthplace - Around mobottom area
number of hearts broken- a few? I was...yeah when I was younger
of times yours has been broke-One
phobias - being alone, failure, people i love dying, deep water with things that will eat me living it it
religious affiliation - Roman Catholic
siblings - two half brothers by birth;tristan and trace/ two sisters by loved adoption:Kessa and Samantha
time you wake up - varies.
unnatural hair colours - I've had many. At the moment I have burgendy highlights
vegetable you refuse to eat - mushrooms, onions
worst habit - temper, temper, temper
xrays you've had - teeth, back, neck
yummy foods you make - me..cook?
zodiac sign - virgo/leo hybrid to a tee