Everybody's gotta learn sometime.

Oct 30, 2004 13:35

Ever since Halloween last year, where I apparently gave up on my non-existent costume, paraded myself around as... myself (surprisingly, none of the small children ran away in fright), and bargained with my sister for more candy than I deserved, I've had a costume in mind that I've apparently also given up on this year 'round as well. I've pretty ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

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growin' up biscotti. clearlyunseen October 30 2004, 14:38:06 UTC
And this time I didn't even try!


rote October 30 2004, 18:42:43 UTC
Now I finally have a costume idea for tomorrow night!


unicef. clearlyunseen October 31 2004, 07:04:53 UTC
Happy Hallowinsky!


everythingfaded October 31 2004, 13:11:35 UTC
your entries are very interesting indeed.

now there is a candy war. * throws virtual candy back* HA. :P


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