Things are good. Financially, we could be better off but we're not too bad off. The house is coming along nicely, though my work on projects has fallen off due to Kat's pregnancy. She's now over a week past due. No more prenatal exams though because they've scheduled her induction date for early next week. So at least an end is in sight. The whole pregnancy has been a really good experience, at least from a dad's point of view (though Kat has handled it very well). I can't wait for Connor to be born. We've had an amazing amount of support from all of our friends and family.
Work sucks, but that's to be expected. I've had a number of unrelated jobs slapped on me since joining this department, but I can deal with it. At least they have been pretty cool with me missing time due to Kat and the baby. School's become such a drag on me. Back when I found out Kat was pregnant, I went to the president of the school and asked to take a leave of absence, so I can concentrate on the baby and the house, and return to school in a few months. He basically said no because I would need to come back once the school was back to the term that I was leaving in. Even though I was fine with that, he wouldn't let me. Now it's to the point where I've missed a lot of school so they keep bitching at me about my hours and my grades. So it's to the point where I might fail, but I'd rather fail than miss out on my son's birth or anything.
Couldn't care less. At the moment, I'm just not interested in the game. I hit Leviathan just to see people that I don't see that often. Though even that was soured by some people who just can't handle not being the center of attention. It's not the end of the world just because someone on site couldn't care less what you're doing. It makes the game a lot less enjoyable and just not worth the effort... Of course I have responsibilities in game and I'm not going to turn my back on them. I'm just not going to be hitting events unles I have a reason to.
By the way,
Play TribalWars. If you join, there's a bunch of us on World 8 in the SouthWest Sector. Also, world 14, but mainly 8.