Finally, right? ;D
ID: g52AM
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Male
Genetics: BBN(m)H(m); NN; E'(s)E'; YY; M'(f)M'; LL; F(h)F(h); ff; NN; WW; T'(l)t'
Owner: Nathalia
Notes: Owch, those scars certainly don't look nice! This poor soul had a run in with a group of Fire Tsumes, who burned him in multiple locations and were about to remove his wings before another Gryphon appeared on the scene and frightened them off. His eyesight is not great, but others might find his glasses to be... cute, especially along with those lovely wings of his and his cute little mane mutation.
ID: g51AF
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Female
Genetics: BBN(n)N; Na'; E'(l)ew; YY; MM; LL; f(t)f; ff; NN; W'w; T(t)T
Owner: Nathalia
ID: g56AM
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Male
Genetics: BBN(m)N(m); Na'; e'(m)e'; yy; MM'; LL; F(t)F; f'(t)f'; nn; W'W'; thth
Owner: Nathalia
ID: g54AF
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Female
Genetics: b'b'NN(m); A'N; e'(m)e'(l); Yy; M'M'(g); LL; F(d)F; f'(d)f'; nn; WW'; T(m)T
Owner: Nathalia
Notes: Born into a rather far-removed part of the Iraki clan, this Gryphon has some innate magical abilities that make her quite the catch. However, with how diluted her blood is, it doesn't come without a price. As a side effect of using her magical abilies, her body tends to produce toxins that have resulted in the failure of one of her kidneys. This is the cause of her rather frail appearance, and some days, she is almost too weak to fly.
ID: g53AF
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Female
Genetics: BBH(n)H(m); Na'; eb(lt)eb(l); YY; MM(g); LL; FF; ff; Nn; WW(cv); t'th
Owner: Nathalia
ID: g55AF
Name: Owner's Choice
Gender: Female
Genetics: b'b'N(el)N; NN; E'(l)e'; YY; mwmw; ll; FF(we); Ff'; NN' WW; t't'(t)
Owner: Nathalia
Keep your eyes open - the random draw should take place sometime in the next few days. There'll be four-five Gryphons available at that time. :3