
Feb 23, 2010 23:25

i cant believe i havent updated much lately. i really suck.

its been an emotional horrible month to be honest. i cant wait to move on to happier times.

finn is as wonderful as ever, and i cant believe how much love i have in my heart for him.

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Comments 4

heartagram_lala February 23 2010, 12:31:40 UTC
Oh My God... he is GORGEOUS!!!!

You have a little heartbreaker on your hands!

Sorry to hear you have been having it rough, but its good your optimistic about happier times to come =D



clementine_tea February 28 2010, 10:55:04 UTC
thanks lovliness!

he is such a cheeky boy now, but generally easy going thankgod!

things are already on the up :)


taillow February 24 2010, 17:39:08 UTC
That belly! I love it!! I'm sort of sad that Marshall seems to be stretching out, getting taller losing his baby belly. He's turning into a little boy and not my baby anymore. Don't let Finn grow up!!


clementine_tea February 28 2010, 10:56:49 UTC
that photo is from before christmas and looking at it now finn has changed so much even since then! he started walking last week and his hair is all curly at the back and hes losing he chubby cheeks! im afraid i cant stop it, its already happening! hehe

is marshall saying some words now?


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