Yes, I'm very aware I should be doing work right now, but Genz has had a pretty effin crap week, so am attempting to make her smile through the wonder of picspam! This is SFW, but image heavy.
...Genz, don't get any ideas. I know that look on your face. We don't have a basement. :(
House/Lupus, almost as much of a pairing as House/Wilson
All victors be advised, Sgt Colbert is at wings level, can someone clear him hot? --Well, I can declare him hot if that helps..?
Clappy Ray is Clappy!
Angry!Nate is angry
"Miaow"ing Chris mews for halp. Kitty!Chris no like water!
Ok, look at Nate's mouth carefully (wow, that was a redundant sentence) I'm sure he just said "Suck my ass" all run on? Suckmyass. Or possibly "Some maps" *shrugs* After further consideration (totally not been staring) he also may have said "surprise" in a sarcastic tone
Western hip wiggle brad is ...making me want an au. Mmmm, look at that swivel! *distracted*
Ok, so this turned into mostly Gen Kill love, but it's totally not my fault I'm obsessed! *nods* I blame YOU, bunny.