I adore you for these recaps, a lot. This is so much work, but is so delicious (heh) and thoughtful.
Shockingly, Hannibal was not Worst At Helping. He was...trying to help Will? I don't even know. The judge and the baliff scenes were, disturbing, in an excellent way.
Really am enjoying how cleverly sleazy Will's lawyer is, and hope we see more of him, because, actually hilarious.
Heh, thank you. I always feel weirdly... guilty? Like it's silly to spend this much time/effort/verbiage on something like this? But people seem to enjoy it! People have used the recaps as dialogue transcripts when they needed something they could quote or link to! I think I have residual "nerdy fangirl" issues. Probably related to the fact that I was made to feel weird about liking the original series in the first place. For like twenty years.
I was really expecting the lawyer to be a pain in the ass, and I ended up kind of loving him, yeah. He was way more practical than I expected.
Honestly, your recaps and the subsequent discussion are everything I loved about grad school (oh my god we're all so excited let's talk about this forever, fascinating insights into things like cannibalism and Greek religious practices), with none of the stuff that I hated (academic myopia, deadlines, imposter syndrome).
This is such a beautiful, smart, and many-layered show, and your recaps add to the richness and enhance my appreciation of the show. Also, you and your readership are generally both sophisticated and funny so the discussion and comments and links to such exchanges in other forums concerning this show are so rewarding and fascinating to read.
It's not silly in the slightest to do this. It elevates the material (which is already pretty elevated in my opinion) and gives great respect to the art and the craft of storytelling and good television, and gives me a greater appreciation for every person who contributes to the making of this show and those in the audience who interpret the finer and more subtle aspects of it. Thank you!
I found Will's lawyer to be very interesting. I hope he hangs around a while.
As soon as they started talking about Will's "admirer" my Red Dragon/Francis Dolarhyde bells went off. So I'm curious what the actual deal is with Jonathan Tucker's character--who's clearly not Dolarhyde. If he's a "Dolarhyde" acolyte (which doesn't seem to fit Dolarhyde's reserved nature) or if it's meant to be a parallel between Dolarhyde's admiration for Hannibal. (Either way, boo, for NBC revealing Will's admirer in this week's promo.)
Also: This probably shows how much Law & Order I've been watching, but I was expecting an "Objection!" when Freddie testified because all her testimony could be ruled as hearsay--unless she had a recording and/or notes that could be verified (both of which don't exist because Freddie's a lying liar who lies).
Having gone to law school, Freddie's entire testimony pissed me off because it was ALL hearsay and speculation. Any lawyer worth his salt would have been jumping up and down until the whole thing was tossed out, screw trying to make Freddie look like a liar. It's one of the reason why I actively HATE watching trials on scripted TV. They always get the Rules of Evidence wrong (mostly because to do them correctly would be crazy boring), and it just takes me right out the show. I tell myself to turn that part of brain off and just enjoy it, but it never works.
Yeah, it's been a few years since I thought about the rules of evidence, but as far as I can tell from the recap the judge's rulings pretty much had no relationship with reality, did they? How on earth is an expert's opinion on a murder hearsay? ("Well, I heard the Ravenstag telling Freddie...")
(And yeah, I haven't been able to watch a law show without screaming in about four years, so now I don't bother anymore.)
The thing is, I feel like a ~close reading~ of the "text" is pointing at Dolarhyde similarities and the idea of an "acolyte," that exact word. Except that... it doesn't make any sense to me, either, because no, it doesn't seem a whole lot like his original loner personality. I'm just trying not to assume too much about what their Dolarhyde will be like, since Bryan Fuller's said they want to keep rape (in whatever form) out of the show. And obviously that changes a lot about that character.
BTW, I now have to close the gate to our back deck when the sun goes down, because otherwise the neighbor's cat will come and stare at my cat, which means she may start making ungodly terror shrieks while I'm reading about the Murder Basement again.
Comments 290
Shockingly, Hannibal was not Worst At Helping. He was...trying to help Will? I don't even know. The judge and the baliff scenes were, disturbing, in an excellent way.
Really am enjoying how cleverly sleazy Will's lawyer is, and hope we see more of him, because, actually hilarious.
I was really expecting the lawyer to be a pain in the ass, and I ended up kind of loving him, yeah. He was way more practical than I expected.
It's not silly in the slightest to do this. It elevates the material (which is already pretty elevated in my opinion) and gives great respect to the art and the craft of storytelling and good television, and gives me a greater appreciation for every person who contributes to the making of this show and those in the audience who interpret the finer and more subtle aspects of it. Thank you!
I found Will's lawyer to be very interesting. I hope he hangs around a while.
Also: This probably shows how much Law & Order I've been watching, but I was expecting an "Objection!" when Freddie testified because all her testimony could be ruled as hearsay--unless she had a recording and/or notes that could be verified (both of which don't exist because Freddie's a lying liar who lies).
(And yeah, I haven't been able to watch a law show without screaming in about four years, so now I don't bother anymore.)
PS a taobao tumblr linked me to a HANNIBAL NECKLACE! It's actually quite pretty!
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