More great moments in Sparkle Motion

Aug 23, 2008 16:41

You know what? I have a handful of Twilight links that are so awesome, they deserve their own mini-spam. Also, it's Saturday and it's raining and I don't really care.

Empire magazine scans. I swoon, I die:"When you read the book," says Pattinson, looking appropriately pallid and interesting even without makeup, "it's like, 'Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself.' I mean, every line is like that. He's the most ridiculous person who's so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn't do that. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that's how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he's a 108-year-old virgin so he's obviously got some issues there."
Let me just say, if you've read the Midnight Sun sample, virgin who scrapbooks "manic-depressive who hates himself" is absolutely spot-on.

The 2009 Twilight movie calendar! (Going by this picture, Jasper's weapon of choice in the Mexican Vampire Wars was a pimp cane.)

The Top Five Girliest Vampire Movies: I am going to out myself as a heretic by declaring here, now and forever, that I love the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. Yes, THE MOVIE. Yes, WITH KRISTY SWANSON. (What? Kristy Swanson gets a lifetime pass from me for "EAT THE COOKIE, MOTHER!!!") It's dumb in a smart way, if that makes any sense, even if that "smart" is still a lot broader than the TV show. And it appeals to my sense of the absurd, I think.

10 Questions for Stephenie Meyer. You know what I would actually like to do? Keep an eye on author questionnaires like this and compile a list of generic versions ("How do you feel about being compared to [author]?"). And I think we all, as writers, should sit down and try to answer them. I mean, "How do you feel about the attention / comparisons / criticism now that you've been published," those questions are less important for most of us to worry about, unless you just want to stand in front of a mirror with your hairbrush-microphone pretending you're on the Today show or something. (Look, I don't judge.) But you need to be able to answer questions like "What are the themes of this book?" and "How did you come up with these characters?" once you're a few drafts in. It might even be a good exercise to help you articulate where you're really going with the thing, once that you've let it have an unfettered, unedited chance to grow. I mean, I can look at my Black Ribbon drafts and already articulate at least two major themes, while Stephenie Meyer's always like, "I don't write books with messages, it's just about 'the ride,'" and yet--you know, a book can have a theme, it can have something it's about, for God's sake, and her books are pretty obviously about love conquering all or whatever, it's okay to say that. She's even said that choice and free will are important in the books (although I tend to feel like the opposite is true, given the imprinting and all, although the Midnight Sun chapter online does show how she meant that from Edward's point of view), so, you know--say that. Why did you choose to write from this or that character's POV? What was your inspiration? What does the title mean? Be able to articulate these things, y'all.

(And suggest some good Questions Writers Should Be Able to Answer in the comments, if you want. Maybe we can really compile a list.)

writing, twilight, black ribbon, movies, books, sparkle motion

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