He was warm, he came around, and he was dignified. He showed me what it was to cry.

Mar 03, 2006 18:15

Ok, I haven't been in this thing in about....forever. Sorry. I can say pretty much whatever I want seeing as how no one reads these things anymore, except Bridget and Amber and I don't care if they know what I think because they can practically read my thoughts anyway. Today was pretty nice. It started off shaky with a bit of yelling, but that blew ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

thetelos March 4 2006, 21:31:50 UTC
How did you know my middle inital....? Spies...


clever_killer March 5 2006, 12:48:35 UTC
We say "Andrew M. Fall" all the time!!!! That just goes to prove that you never listen to us.
How mad would you be if I told you I know your whole middle name???


thetelos March 5 2006, 12:57:49 UTC
I'd be...angry.


clever_killer March 5 2006, 13:01:44 UTC
Oh, well then that sucks. I'll just pretend I don't know it. Is that ok?


bisforxbeauty March 7 2006, 17:27:31 UTC
I'm not a stupid female. Even my cell phone knows his middle initial. And thank you for the message even if it took me four days to read it. Stupid mom.


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