Jul 01, 2007 04:45

So my roommate and I, who have very little to give us a happy every week after coming home from our crappy job just finished watching Last of the Time Lords and uh . . . well . . .

So Jamie has just come back in the room carrying alcohol and chocolate pudding, announcing to me that she feels she has died earlier and all this has been an anuerism. This is nothing after the destroying of Toclofane throwing of a box of Whoppers into the air, throwing her favorite bear across the room (complete with a warcry of "WHAT WERE THE DRUMS RUSSELL? WHO DIDN'T EXPLAIN IT? YOU DID!"), and the shaking of her fists.

Granted this is unsurprising behavior after watching the INSANITY THAT WAS THE LAST 51 MINUTES, RUSSELL WHAT THE FUCK?!

Alright granted I don't think this was a complete waste of my life, there were things I enjoyed, however my general reaction through the entire episode was pretty much "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?!" There were a number of things I suspected might happen, and given the show's tendancy for camp I even expected a small bit of lameness, however between Drucilla! Lucy and Dobby! Ten I just think I've lost all faith in RTD to write a show.

I mean it's not like he didn't have PLENTY of amazing elements to work with. For one thing you have the Master. That in and of itself is awesome because it gives us a baddie to rival the Daleks, and the Cybermen and that could have gone so many cool places, but no, he's killed off in a way which makes no sense even for the episode given that one minute the Master is handing over his planet destroying device because he 'can't kill himself' and the next he's refusing to regenerate. WHAT?!

Then there's Tinkerbell! Doctor. I don't even know what to say about this! I watched SoD and said to my roommate that I hadn't a fucking clue how they were going to fix this outside of cracking Billie Piper over the head and forcing her to perform thus pulling Rose out of their ass and having her save the world see: PoTW. And you know what? THEY DID. Strange she looked a lot like the Doctor. WHAT?! Why is he god? Why was Martha's mission to tell people to pray to the Doctor?! That would NEVER HAPPEN! I don't know what's worse? Him flying around, glowing with fairy lights or creeping around in a cage as a small CG creature. Again I say WHAT?!

My roommate is on her second bottle of booze and I'm just warming up.

The Toclofane were lame. I read so many fantastic spoilers speculating on what they could be. Time Lord ships, unused regenerations, fuck, anything but SHRIVELED INSANE HUMAN FACES! WHAT?!

And Lucy Saxon. Why the fuck did they show her reaction to everything in the last episode and she turned out to be so damn insignificant? What were the cracks about Jelly Babies and the 'last of the presidents' huh? Huh?! Of COURSE people thought she was going to be Romana ok, breathe, it could still happen, chameleon arch and all, but still! WHAT A WASTE!

And finally let's get to Jack. Now I love Jack, and though he was rather useless or rather unneeded in the last three episodes I'm still glad he was there. And the Face of Boe thing, alright it's lame. I sort've enjoyed that, but it was still very lame. Let's just address two concerns I have with that, and yeah they're stupid, and vain, and very like Jack but #1 I feel like I'm coming straight out of an episode of Invader Zim when I say "WHY IS HIS HEAD SO BIG?!" and #2 WHERE THE HELL IS THE REST OF HIM?! I mean alright I'd assumed the Face of Boe was some random breed of alien that didn't need a body but after discovering he was once human in origin all I have to say is WHAT?!

My roommate had no comment on that past this.

Yay for Martha on accepting that she's never going to be Mrs. Doctor Who, and for cleverly putting a leash on the Doctor so she doesn't turn into another Sarah Jane: great companion left behind only to show up twenty years later.

Fuck, it's now almost 5:30 and I have to be to work at noon. Yet I can't sleep but for the fact that I'm still gaping in disbelief.

The Doctor/Master semi slashy angsty bit was great. Loved seeing Tennant burst into tears, (good lord that man is too sexy for general viewing) but I'm a little annoyed he didn't shed anything past one lame tear for Rose. WTF RUSSELL? Don't punish the character because Billie figured out you're insane and ran for the hills.

And speaking of Rose, what the fuck was that throw away line about the Doctor having companions that could absorb the time vortex because uhm, the Master wasn't there for that and I somehow DOUBT the Doctor spent a year telling the Master all about his adventures with Rose and how he rejenerated yet again. WHAT?!


Ok, next season, can we please have a companion who's not in love with him? I'm alright with Rose, love the girl to death, but not every companion he ever had was in love with him, and it's lame to make out that they were. How about someone with some spirit and good characterization like Sally Sparrow? I liked her. Can we have her back? Someone with an interesting family or circle of friends? How about a boy? That could be fun. Hey, I know. Bring back Susan? K-9? Rose Please?

Back to your regularly scheduled programing.

last of the time lords, doctor who, what?!, dw spoilers, rant

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