Fic Recs

Jul 21, 2009 05:44

Mixed Fandom Fic Recs (Updated May 24, 2011)
Primarily for my personal use and reference purposes, this list will be prone to change and updates at any given moment. I encourage anybody who happens to stumble across this to read everything listed, because they’re awesome, but that is just my personal opinion. None of the stories were written by me, most of them are slash, and some of them might be rated R or NC-17, so consider yourself warned. Enjoy!

Fandom: Angel
Second Chances by Brenda
(Gen, PG-13, set post-To Shanshu in LA. Summary: When Giles needs the help of a still-convalescent Wesley with a translation, the battered detectives of Angel Investigations reluctantly return to Sunnydale. Meanwhile the Scoobies find that Cordelia and Wesley are not exactly as they remember them.)
Very possibly my favourite Angel fic ever. I've got a thing for whumping Wes, I admit it. *luvs*

New All Over (aka Little Wesley) by elgrey
(Gen, PG-13, set in Buffy S3. Summary: When Wesley intercepts an amulet sent to Giles, he is changed from an annoying adult Watcher into an eight-year-old boy.)
The cute and wonderful of this story nearly kills me, seriously. The scenes with Ethan are especially delightful.

Childish Things (aka Angel Kids) by elgrey
(Gen, PG-13, set AtS S2/Buffy S5. Summary: When Angel’s associates at Angel Investigations are turned into children, he seeks the help of the Sunnydale crowd in finding a cure.)
More adorable Wesley!whumping, plus the image of a four-year-old Gunn. Sweetness overload. ;P

Or, you know, anything by elgrey, because it is ALL awesome.

Or, on the slashy (generally A/W, and occasionally NC-17 rated) side of things, anything by The Brat Queen. She's a great writer who will keep you enthralled in the story, even when you're reading something that you would normally consider complete and utter crack!fic.

Fandom: As the World Turns
*NEW!* - Vegas by _alicesprings and rhiannonhero

*NEW!* - Amnesia is Stupid by nancygrew

Or, you know, ANYTHING else by nancygrew. At all. Or anything that she's ever touched. Or breathed on.

Fandom: Chuck
What Fates Impose by Frea O'Scanlin
(Gen at the moment, PG-13, WIP. Summary: Joining the CIA wasn't anything like Chuck Bartowski hoped-five years in a bunker just sucks. When Bryce Larkin sends him the Intersect, it's up to Chuck and Bryce's ex-partner Sarah to deal with the fallout of Bryce's betrayal and save the day.)
Admittedly, I'm still fairly new to the Chuck-fandom, but this fic is so, so amazing. I almost never recommend WIP's, but this one has been more than worth the wait so far!

Chuck vs. the Simple Twist of Fate by I Am Not Amused
(EVENTUALLY Chuck/Sarah, PG-13, AU, WIP. Summary: The world can change from a butterfly flapping its wings. If Bryce was unable to remove Chuck from the CIA watch list, how would that change Chuck? Or current CIA recruit Bryce? Or Fulcrum recruit Jill?)
Okay, I'm going to be honest with you--as of this moment, I haven't actually finished reading this one yet, but I'm finding it just fascinating so far. I love the exploration of the characters. But yes, I will come write a better description/rec summary at some later date, once I've actually READ the whole thing, okay?

Fandom: Harry Potter
Contemporary Magical Innovations, by H. Granger by kai
(HP/SS, PG-13. Summary: The difference between History and What Really Happened.)
I'm not such a huge fan of HP/SS, but occasionally a really good one will catch my eye. This is is just excellent and SO funny. Harry's 28 here, btw, for anyone who (like me) always kind of wrinkled their nose at the Snape-would-never-sleep-with-a-student-come-ON aspect of the HP/SS ship.

The Secret to Redemption by VicXntric
(PW/OW, NC-17. Summary: Written for Day Two of the Oliver/Percy Carnival. Written for the following scenarios: Ghost Ride #10 "Special Auror Oliver Wood is used to being given the hardest and most dangerous of assignments, so why in the world has he been assigned to guard researcher and teacher Percy Weasley?" AND Kissing Booth #14 "One or both of the boys work at Hogwarts and their students start wondering where they keep disappearing to.")
Okay, I admit it. Percy/Oliver is a guilty vice of mine. But it's not too widely-written, which is a pity, because it means coming across really GOOD ones can be rare. I love the fact that this one actually has quite an intricate plot, with, like, actual character motivation and stuff. Crazy, right?

Draco's Boy by empathic siren
(H/D, R. Non-Magic AU. Summary: A mysterious little black-haired boy moves in next door to Draco, and he's determined to make the boy his friend and find out all of his secrets. Later, when they grow up, Draco's determined to make Harry much more than a friend.)
I read this one years back, when it was new enough that I sat around, impatiently waiting for the next chapter to get posted, and I've only recently rediscovered it. Much to my delight, it really was as good as I remembered it. While the relationship between Harry and Draco is wonderful and I love watching how it progresses over time, I think one of my favourite things about this one is Harry's relationship with his mentor, "Mr. Snape", who somehow still manages to stay in character most of the time. While it's fairly long, I totally think it's worth the read!

Stealing Harry by Sam the Storyteller (AKA copperbadge)
(Mostly Gen, but with a dash of SB/RL thrown in for flavour. R. Summary: In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care.)
I cannot believe it's taken me this long to put something by copperbadge on this list. Bad cleverboot, bad! *newspaper!smack*

The Wendell That Wasn't by Opalish
(Gen [Well. Harry/Ginny, I suppose, but that's not the focus], PG, sort of NextGen-ish. Summary: The true story of how Harry and Ginny's kids got their names. Really, it's all Snape's fault.)
Opalish writes the world's best, most hilarious HP oneshots. In this one, the powers that be have decided that poor dead Snape hasn't been through quite enough and he is thus forced to haunt Harry Potter. Neither one of them is very happy about it.

Gossip Queens by Opalish
(Gen, PG, NextGen-ish-sorta. Summary: After the war, Neville and Harry meet up to mock people and get drunk. It's a good life.)
Squee! So far as I'm concerned, this is canon. It's a one-shot of ultimate epic-ness. Go read. "In conclusion, plants."

Scorpius Malfoy and the Improbable Plot by Opalish
(Gen, PG-13, NextGen fic. Summary: Scorpius really should have listened to his father's numerous and dire warnings about the Potter clan. Harry feels his pain. Gen crackfic WIP, yo. Seriously, so cracky.)
As the summary says. It is WIP - and looks as though it will be staying that way for the foreseeable future - and it is crack. So very, very crack. In spite of this, I demand that you go read it anyway. Because it's THAT GOOD.

Fandom: Macdonald Hall (AKA Bruno & Boots)
*NEW!* - Operation Free Love: A Missing Chapter from "The War With Mr. Wizzle" by Shoshanna Gold
(Bruno/Boots, NC-17. Summary: Someone at Macdonald Hall is having sex!)

*NEW!* - Macdonald Hall is Fabulous by Nimori
(Bruno/Boots, PG-ish. Summary: Macdonald Hall forms a Gay-Straight Alliance.)

Fandom: Merlin
Drastically Redefining Protocol by rageprufrock
(A/M, NC-17, present-day!AU. Summary: In which Prince Arthur meets Merlin, and all hell breaks lose.)
Not the first present!AU I've come across, but by far the best. I don't think that there can be too many people out there who HAVEN'T read it yet. Merlin as the almost-certainly-not-entirely-stable medical intern is an absolute joy to read, and present-day Prince Arthur's not so bad himself. Plus, the "messages" and "articles" that rageprufrock has got throughout the story definitely add a whole bunch to the narrative. A must-read.

The Crown of the Summer Court by astolat
(A/M, R. Summary: "The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court.")

Despoiling by astolat
(A/M, NC-17. Summary: In which various people become various things they weren't before./"But I didn't do anything to her honor!" Merlin said./"Don't say another word, Merlin, I refuse to even defend myself against such accusations," Morgana said./"Yes, but, I'm the one in the dungeon," Merlin said.)
astolat is definitely one of the best writers in the fandom, so even though a lot of it is quite long, anything she's written is worth a read. These are just two of my personal favourites.

The History of Two Conversations (On Paper) by takadainmate
(A/M, PG-13. Summary: Books are defaced. But it's all for a good cause. Really.)
I love the interaction in this one, not just between the boys, but with Gaius, too. Totally reminds me of e-mail and LJ messages that have gone on between me and mine. Great read.

Quickening Days by fahye
(A/M, R. Summary: In which dragons & ghosts & prejudices are confronted, Merlin wears a hat (twice) and a dress (once), Arthur breaks some crockery (lots), there are more pranks than pillowfights but at least one of each, and many secrets are revealed.)
First Merlin fanfic I ever read and it remains one of my favourites. Imagine Groundhogs Dog--but in Camelot--and you've got the basic premise behind this one. Really sweet and often very funny, I highly recommend it.

Coffeeshop Muffins by skellerbvvt
(A/M, R. Summary: Wherein Arthur And Merlin Are Dating, Save For the Part Where They Aren't. Also There Needs To Be A Girl Version Of “Bromance” But That’s a Discussion For Another Time.)
This story is so funny and sweet and adorable and just all-around charming, ohmygoodness. I love it, love it, love it! Seriously, why are you still here? Go read!

Fandom: Supernatural
Asunder by rageprufrock
(Dean/Cas, R/NC-17, AU. Summary, according to an excerpt from maboheme: The amazing AU story of Dean, the world-weary child protective services agent, and his best friend Cas, the pediatric surgeon, as they venture to the wedding of Dean's estranged brother Sam.)
I am officially in love with everything rageprufrock touches. The characterizations here are spot on, and I really do have a soft spot for antisocial Bobby, with his many, many shotguns and 177 acres of dead-ass Californian vineyard. Also, Castiel's $500 vulcan deer wedding gift. Just... *squee*

The incestuous courtship of the antichrist's bride by fleshflutter
(Sam/Dean - so yeah, wincest warning, deal with it, NC-17. Summary: Sam is trying to become the Antichrist in order to save the world. He has a small army of angels and demons, he has an adoring cult, he has a work of prophecy by Jack Kerouac, and he has Dean. Things are going pretty well until he accidentally signs Dean up as his Beloved Consort, a role that requires sex with the Antichrist on an altar. And that's when things stop going pretty well. Also, the soundtrack to the Apocalypse sucks.)
Okay, so I'm not normally big on the Wincest. But this story? IS. SO. FUNNY. And just delightful. It's pre-Season 4 finale, yes. But if you pretend like you don't know any of the stuff you learn during Season 5, it still works.

*NEW!* - Dream As If You'll Live Forever" & Live As If You'll Die Today, both by commodoresexual
(Dean/Cas, NC-17, AU. Summary: Cas hasn't spoken a word to anyone in years and is a drifter who works various odd jobs to finance himself. Dean is a guy with a violent temper who grew up in foster care and has just gotten out of prison for a stupid judgment call. The two cross paths in a pay-by-the-week boarding house run by an eccentric older couple {Bobby and Ellen}.)
Such a nice, feel-good kind of story, and yet it doesn't ever quite turn into fluff. Interestingly enough, I think my favourite interactions are actually the Sam-Dean parts.

On a completely unrelated side-note: I actually got around to updating my RPG Experience page, finally. I've been telling myself I'd get around to it for months now. World's biggest procrastinator = me.

supernatural, merlin, harry potter, angel, atwt, rpg, spn, macdonald hall, chuck, rec list, fanfiction

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