Ladies' S-- ... *sigh* Stitch 'n' Bitch, 13 Griffin Way, Wednesday Evening

Apr 01, 2009 20:35

iss Elizabeth Bennet was in a particularly cheerful mood today as she made the necessary arrangements for this evening's stitch 'n' bitch sewing circle. She was feeling quite optimistic about the evening, and was sure there would be no difficulties.

Let it never be said that Miss Bennet had any sense for the dramatic.

My apologies for getting this up late: long day. As always, open to the group, the housemates, anybody who wants to drop in, and could we get some zombies up in here?)

lizzy bennet: zombie hunter, [colleagues] sir minsc, [residents] miss york, [students] harper finkle, this island is mocking me, [students] agnes nitt, [residents] miss dröttningu, [residents] mrs. harker, [colleagues] mr. wilson, [events] sewing circle, [locations] 13 griffin way

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