Title: Dialogue: False Author: Ryu I. Archived On: Category: Alternate Universe, Angst, Established Relationship Spoilers For: Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Clark/Lex Summary: First of the Dialogue series: A future based on lies.
Title: Dialogue: True Author: Ryu I. Archived On: Category: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Humor Spoilers For: Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Clark/Lex Summary: Second in the Dialogue pair: Same conversation, new intent.
Only the second is futurefic, but they go together and I didn't want to separate them.
The second of these was one of the first futurefics that showed me that I wasn't alone in my hopes for a heroic future for both of the boys.
Title: Teen of Steel; Man of Means Author: Anne Higgins Rating: NC-17 Summary: As the ads for the show say, every superhero has a beginning, but a new twist on that beginning should lead to a new end.
And its sequel:
Title: Men of Steel Author: Anne Higgins Rating: NC-17 Summary: 10 Years after Teen of Steel; Man of Means, Lex and Clark suffer through one of those days.
Comments 2
Author: Ryu I.
Archived On:
Category: Alternate Universe, Angst, Established Relationship
Spoilers For:
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Summary: First of the Dialogue series: A future based on lies.
Title: Dialogue: True
Author: Ryu I.
Archived On:
Category: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Humor
Spoilers For:
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Summary: Second in the Dialogue pair: Same conversation, new intent.
The second of these was one of the first futurefics that showed me that I wasn't alone in my hopes for a heroic future for both of the boys.
Title: Teen of Steel; Man of Means
Author: Anne Higgins
Rating: NC-17
Summary: As the ads for the show say, every superhero has a beginning, but a new twist on that beginning should lead to a new end.
And its sequel:
Title: Men of Steel
Author: Anne Higgins
Rating: NC-17
Summary: 10 Years after Teen of Steel; Man of Means, Lex and Clark suffer through one of those days.
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