3, 2, 1 REC!

Aug 20, 2005 18:51

Category-centric? What the hell does that mean?

Well, it means we've sorted Clex fic recs into categories.

So... if you read Clark/Lex slash fiction and are in the mood for a certain kind of fic but don't want to go digging for it, you can easily find it here!

What the hell do those names mean, anyway??

If you've paid attention to the show, you'll know that the category names are all names of Smallville episodes! Move your mouse over the name to see an explanation of that category. For example: Hover over "OBSCURA" and you'll see, "Alternate Universe Clex"

Who's running this circus?

Myashke (Alax) and chasethecat

Where do the recs come from?

They come from a big purple stork. No, no - they come from us, Myashke (Alax) and chasethecat, and from other Clex slash fiction readers who have enjoyed a particular fic and want to share it with others!

Is this a comprehensive list?

Hee hee. No, of course not. There are approximately 5000 Clex slash fics published in the more common archives in this fandom. There's no possible way we could read and review every single one of them. (but we're working on it anyway!)

Do I have to be a member?

No, this is *not* a community, so there are NO members! We mods have control over the categories, but recs can be submitted in the appropriate category using the same links provided for each category. Just click on the all-too-familiar "post a new comment" link at the bottom of the category listings.

Can I rec myself?

Um... NO! Users caught rec'ing themselves will be sent to therapy, tortured and/or banned from posting in clex_recs (depending on our mood).

But wait, you're a mod and your fic is in there!

Yes, after much debating, nail-biting and general angsting (yep, that was Alax doing the angsting) we've decided that if people who are not our bedfellows whores minions servants employees subs want to rec us, we're not going to be ridiculous and not accept the compliment. So you might see an Alax or Chase fic in here somewhere, but we didn't submit it!

Do I have to have a link to the fic or the author's name/website in order to rec a fic?

No! We'll happily do the leg- er... fingerwork for you! Just list the name of the fic OR the author and description and we'll hunt it down and add it to the category! Likewise, if you know the fic name and author name, we'll do our best to link to the author's website. If we're unable to find it or they don't have one, we'll link to a public archive, such as SSA.

Is that it? What if I want to say something REALLY intelligent about the fic? And what about credit for the rec so people know I submitted it?

We *love* it when you submit a review and/or summary with your rec! Otherwise we will either use the author's summary or write our own review (time allowing). You will recieve credit for each rec you submit, whether or not you write a review. We'll include a tag at the end of the rec like this: rec'd by chasethecat!

How often can I rec an author?

In order to keep this from becoming a rec list dominated by one or two authors, we're imposing a two-rec limit PER AUTHOR, PER WEEK. For example, you may love xyzauthor and every fic they've ever written. That's great! You can rec xyzauthor two times in a one-week period. If you rec xyzauthor more than two times in a one week period, we'll reply to your rec and politely ask you to hang on to the excess recs until the following week!

What if I find an error?

We all make mistakes! We're very grateful if you take the time to point out ours - just go to Report a Wrecked Rec and give us the info. No need to provide corrected links, unless you're just feeling generous! We'll fix all reported errors during our weekly updates (and delete your reported error to keep this link clean).

I'm an author and the link you've provided doesn't go to my website. OR You've provided ny username but I'd rather have my name link to my email address. Will you change it so it does?

Absolutely! Just Email the info to us and we'll be happy to make the changes in our weekly updates!

I posted a rec and my post as been deleted!

Yes, brilliant, isn't it? Once a week (more often if we can), we'll update this journal by going through the comments and moving the rec information you provide up into the category lists. As we get the recs moved up, we'll delete the comments below.

Aren't there enough recs communities out there?

Hell. No. Not like this one! See our Complaints Department for more information.

A fic that is *clearly* a future!fic is listed under Romance and I want you to move it.

Unless it's YOUR fic, we're not taking judgement call requests at this point!

We try our best to decide which category the fic fits into the best and that's what we go with.

We may someday cross-post all the fics, but we think it would be a huge waste of time for us to do it and for you to have to see the same fic in six categories. HOWEVER - if you are the author of a rec'd fic and you strongly believe it's in the wrong category, we will be happy to move it for you.

What if I just want to see the newest fics you've added to the site in your weekly update?

Then you can friend or watch this journal (we anticipate having only ONE POST PER WEEK listing all the newest recs by category). You could also go to clex_recs' Memories to find the additions listed by week.

let us know if there's anything else we can help with!
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