Well, with Alax and family sick and Chase going back to school this week, it's another small update. Thanks to
lastscorpion for reccing!
Alien Author: La Casta
Rating: Mature
Genre: Futurefic, AU, Drama/Suspense
Summary: President Luthor and VP Ross find a long-lost and traumatized Clark. Clex slash in the last chapter (that should count, right?)
Rec by
lastscorpion Recruit
Destiny SeriesAuthor: Jade
Rating: NC-17
Summary/Review: This is a series of fics about Clark in love with two people and the three of them trying to make it work. The emotional rollercoaster the reader is taken on seems very realistic. Lex is particularly well-written in this series.
Note: This is a series of fics but since they *all* are threesome fics, I'm rec'ing that it be put in the threesome category.