We don't normally run our challenges up against each other so closely. But yep, still waiting on a couple of Holiday Exchange fics. In the meantime, it's time for pre-planning on the True Love Fest!
Rules are the same as previous years:
1) Each day will feature one prompt which can be used to create works of a Clexy nature. We will start February 7th and go through the 14th (for the math inclined, that will be 8 prompts)
2) Comment on that day's post with your works: drabbles, ficlet, artwork, vids, songmixes - whatever strikes your fancy about that prompt, however the word(s) may inspire you. The only restriction is that all responses should feature Clex.
-There are no word requirements or limits, but keep in mind that LJ comments have a character limit. If you have to use two comments, put 1/2 and 2/2 in the first line of the story. Also feel free to post on your LJ or AO3 or Tumblr and put a link to your work in a comment. Please note any warnings in the comment containing the link, if any warnings are applicable.
-Artwork should go in the comments as a thumbnail of no more than 550x550 with a link to anything larger.
3) You can respond to the prompt as many times as you want, as long as the inspiration is still with you. Make a new comment for every new fic or art or other.
The 2017 True Love Fest Prompts:
Fluffy Goodness 2)
Doodles 3)
Shopping 4)
Sparkles 5)
Planning 6)
Desire 7)
Wish 8)