
May 03, 2006 23:23

I spent the past hour reading livejournal entries from a year ago. Now I know I believe in never really looking or worrying over the past..but it's amusing. I was quite a different person, not necessarily in a bad way. I didn't realize the same things then that I do now, and my love life was at a definite emotional ruin. Despite all of these things ( Read more... )

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cliche_you_say May 5 2006, 03:29:12 UTC
Right. I've been trying to figure the best way to tell you goodbye, but no way can sum up a year and a half of knowing you.

Just know, I don't hate you. Even though sometimes it might seem that way.

Good luck in L.A.


cliche_you_say May 5 2006, 03:31:22 UTC

Lex...if I needed a spell-check/grammar check..I would definately post my livejournal entries into microsoft word and do it that way.


unknownsoldierr May 25 2006, 02:47:24 UTC
I will miss you while I'm gone...
I love you.


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