What is your name: kimberly
Spell it backwards: ylrebmik
Nicknames: kim
What does your screename stand for: blond moments
How about journal name: it's the same thing
Would you name a child of yours after you: no
Your gender: female
Straight/Gay/Bi: straight
Single? yep
Birthdate:june 5
Age you act: ha, it depends i guess
Age you wish you were: 21, or 16
Astrological sign? gemini
Your height: 5'3
Eye color: blue
Happy with it? sure
Hair color: brown
Happy with it? i'm getting used to it
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty '
Where do you live now: roanoke and blacksburg
Have any pets?: shadows being really weird tonight, barking at my wall, and flopping his ears furiously
What's your job: retail slave
Tattoos: nada
Shoe size: 6 or 7
Obsessions? sex and the city, el rodeo, sesame chicken, penis
Do you speak another language? nope
Clothing: pj's
Mood: slightly hungover
Taste: code red
Hair: down
Annoyance: my headache, and my grandfather making old people noises across the hall
Smell: nothing
Jewlery: for once, nothing
Refreshment: dr pepper
Worry: not being happy
Crush: for once, no one, and it kind of sucks actually
Longing: sexxx o=)
Music: mom's pter paul and mary. dear god, its been playing alllll dayyy, PUFF! the magic dragon!
Wish: an end to the boredom
Makeup: squeaky clean
Undergarments: vicky's secret
Regret: forgetting to move on
Desktop picture: really pretty picture of still woods with snow
Plans for tonight/weekend: sleep, and more sleep
Amusement: shadows bizarro attitude
Deep Thoughts about Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment? a little too much so
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? depends,sometimes very much so, other times, not at all
Do you hate yourself? hate's a strong word
Do you like your handwriting? ehh, not really
Do you have any bad habits? plenty
What is the compliment you get from most people? the eyes
Can you sing? haha how about no
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? no, who? lol
Are you a loner? i like my space sometimes
What are your top priorities in life? finding something to do that i enjoy
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? hopefully
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i cant stick with anything for long enough, i get bored too easily
Do you think you are emotionally strong? not really
Do you think life has been good so far? i'm lucky in a lot of ways
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life? people will lie to you
Are you confident? once again, depends
The Last...
Car ride: back from blacksburg early this morning
Last time you cried: tonight during sex and the city when samantha got cancer
Last movie seen: love, actually
Last movie rented: maria full of grace
Last word said: goodnight
Last time you laughed: with my sister, "are you okay?" "yeah"
Last phone call: jeremy
Last CD played: gavin degraw
Last song you listened to: on the computer, more bounce in california
Last annoyance: the snoring across the hall
Last kiss: last night
Last person you hugged: the gparents
Last person you yelled at: smokey
Last time you wore a skirt: its been a while
Last time you fought with your parents: today
Last time you wished upon a star: yesterday
Played Truth or Dare: jenga, last night
Spent quality time alone: today, in bed, all day, haha
Person you laughed with?: didnt you just ask that? nikki.
Person who broke your heart?: i dont know if i'd call it broken
Person who told you they loved you?: heh
In the past month have you...
Gone out of state: north carolina for the spa with mom and nikki
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: no
Gotten high: nah
Done any drugs: nah
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i actually havent had oreos in a while
Been on stage: nope, i miss dance :(
Gone skinny dipping: no
Been dumped: no
Stolen anything: no
Have you ever...
danced in the rain: yes
drank alcohol: this is a no brainer
slept around: i've made a couple mistakes but i wouldn't call it sleeping around O=)
partied 'til the sun came up: yes
had a movie marathon: yes
gone too far on a dare: no
fallen for your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
actually kissed someone who was JUST a friend?: heh, that's putting it mildly
been used?: yea
been cheated on?: i dont think so actually, at least not that i know of. oh wait, kind of
been kissed?: yes of course
done something you regret?: this was a great year for that
fallen for a friend?: i wouldn't go so far as to say fallen
The future
Age your plan to be married: hope before i turn 30
Number and names of children: 2, but if they're a boy and a girl, then 3. i'm so lucky to have a sibling thats the same gender, close in age, shes my best friend :)
Where will you be in 10 years: hopefully married, lol. happy
Dream wedding: nikki wants to have a double wedding. haha not :) um white dress, dark red in there somewhere, probably the flowers
Dream job: i have no fucking idea. and i t hink i just decided last night i dont want a career in psychology, yikes!
Place you'd like to visit: i want to go everywhere
How many siblings do you have: one
Where are your parents from: north carolina and stuart
Is your family close: yes, definitly
Does your family get together for holidays: like once a year, stafford gatherings are a big deal
Do you have any nieces or nephews: nope
Do you have step parents: nope
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: no
Did some of your family come to America from another country: somewhere back down the line
Color: red
Song: night drive by jimmy eat world or motorcycle drive by by teb
Show: sex and the city, dawsons creek, oc. you know, every other girl's
School subject: dance, abnormal psyc
Band/singer/artist: who knows, dashboard ranks right up there
Radio station: im into 94.9 right now =P
Movie: closer
Pair of shoes: i could never pick just one!
Cartoon: eh
Potato chip: doritos
Drink: dr pepper
Soda: dr pepper
Holiday: christmas
Pizza topping: cheese
Jello flavor: red
Card Game: poker
Video game: old school mario
Book: right now.. i dunno
Computer game: nada
Number: 3, 5
Cereal: frosted cheerios, or lucky charms
Comedian: dave chappelle or that really gay guy, i cant think of his name. the one with the joke about the squirrel leaving the oven on
Disney character: i'm drawing a blank
Clothing store: gadzooks
Pasttime: freshman year, ny trips, beach week
Childhood toy: god the snoring is driving me nuts, i'm going to have to finish this tomorrow
Candy bar: milky way
Thing to do on the weekend: sleep, eat, drink beer
Hot drink: hot chocolate
Season: spring
Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets: white
What color are your bedroom walls: white
Do you have posters on your wall: a shit-ton
If so of what: um bands, josh hartnett, hot guys, hot fairies from hot topic, evanesence, etc.
How many pillows are on your bed: a lot
What do you normally sleep in?: tank top and pants/underear
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: my pants with the diff. color blue squares everywhere
What size bed do you have: full
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: i just use the cell
Describe the last nightmare you had: can't remember
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: sometimes
How many people can sleep comfortably in your bed: two, three on a good night ;)
Any unusual sleeping positions: almost always on my tummy
Do you have an alarm clock in your room: yes
What color is the carpet in your room: tan?
What's under your bed: random stuff
This or that
Doughnuts/bagels: bagels with cream cheese
Day/night: insomniac
Heaven/hell: heave
Make love/have sex: both
Coffee/tea: neither
Hamburgers/hotdogs: burgers
Sweet/sour: Sweet
Hot/cold: hot
Winter/summer: summer
Spring/fall: spring
Read/watch tv: tv
CDs/tapes: CDs
DVDs/vhs: DVDs
Shorts/skirts: skirts
Colored pictures/black and white photos: black and white
Meat/vegetables: meat
Mexican food/chinese food: el rodeo
Scary movies/comedies: comedies
Sandals/tennis shoes: flip flops
Water/land: water
Sugar/spice: sugar
Chicken/beef: steak
Cars/trucks: cars
Passionate kiss/peck: passionate
Pens/pencils: pens
Kiss? nunya
Recent Romantic Event? that's actually a secret too, for his dignity ;)
Do you believe in aliens: no not really
Name three things that are next to your computer: pink ipod, dr pepper, and cell phone
Do you have any hidden talents: i have no idea
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: that's what mtv2 is for
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: romantic comedy
Do you play any sports? haha no
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: texas chainsaw massacre, just for suspense reasons, and gothika, cause dara worked it up alot before
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: closer
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: not sure
Do you drive: yes
Would you ever sky dive: i'd probably chicken out
Do you believe in Bigfoot: no
Are you afraid of roller coasters: yes =-P
Do you believe in God: i'd like to say yes
Do you believe in Satan: same
Do you have a pool: yeah
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yea
Do you like chocolate: yes
Who/what is on your 2004 calendar: its a vt planner
How many U.S. states have you been to: like 10 i guess
Ever wished on a shooting star: yes
What is your weakness: getting bored to quickly
How do you release stress: i don't
Are you an artistic person: ehh
Are you a realistic person?: try to be
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no
Are you a strong person: occasionally
Are you a strong willed person: not really
Who is the last person to e-mail you: blockbuster, lost my fucking movie in the mail, bastards
Who is the last person to IM you? i dont remember
Do you hate chain e-mails: i havent gotten one since like 9th grade
Are you a deep sleeper: no
Are you a good story teller: haha no
What is your greatest accomplishment: being in college right now, if you knew my high school, i'm in a small percentile
Do you like to burn candles or incense: yes
Do you have your own credit card: a best buy card
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: pay off school debt, and go to europe for the summer
Do you have a check book: yes
Do you like your drivers license: yeah
Do you tan easily: yeah
What color is your hair naturally: brown
How many fillings do you have: a few
How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit: i'm going tomorrow, yikes!
Worst feeling in the world?: metal scraping on your teeth
Best feeling in the world: love
Is the glass half empty or half full: depends on what day it is
Last thing you downloaded: the killers, somebody told me
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?:lol no
Do you love your bf/gf: haha, that would require having one
When are you moving: back to school in two weeks, break is only halfway over, hell yes
Was this the longest survey you've ever taken: took me two days damnit