Title: One Night Stands
Pairing: Pansy/Random Guy in a Mask
A/N: There is no specific inspiration behind this. I just felt that Pansy needed to have good sex after Draco and whoever else she'd been with at school.
Somewhere in her consciousness, a song was spiralling, its beat thudding against her head. Thud. Thud. Thud. It was luring her into a welcome trance, expanding slowly until it merged with the flashing lights and the churning bodies of the people in the club. She cast a spell on her mask to make sure it stayed on, and then stepped into the throbbing mass and the now deafening music.
Nothing to fear now, Pansy, she told herself. The magical world had been left far behind that night, bartered gratefully for the double anonymity provided by a Muggle masquerade party. There was nothing - no house pride, no reputation - to hold her back from enjoying herself, something she meant to do. So when a guy wearing a black-and-gold mask whispered into her ears and asked her if she wanted to dance, she accepted it without a second thought.
The world around her was intoxicating: the bodies rubbing against each other, the laughter, the drunken kisses, the groans. But soon, they ceased existing. Her partner had pulled her towards him, encircled her waist with his arms and started moving along to the thud, thud, thud, his hot breath caressing her bare shoulder. A soft moan escaped her.
She didn’t know how long they danced that way; she only snapped out of it when he led her away from there. He was taking her towards one of the row of cubicles. Before entering, he stopped and stared at her for a few seconds. Do you want this?
Laughing, she pushed him inside and drew the curtains to shut out the excess of the world. The only things she needed and wanted were the fake leather sofa, and him.
They tried to kiss but had to stop because of the masks. Yet, neither of them seemed willing to take them off. He backed her against the wall instead, digging his fingers through her hair and running his lips against her neck, her shoulders and her arm. The last tenderness he showed was to press a small kiss on her wrist.
She found herself on the sofa, breathing hard in anticipation as he quickly unzipped her dress and lowered the top half, exposing her bra. He bit at the lacy fabric as his warm hands deliberately ran up and down her waist, before slipping round the back and unhooking the only thing standing in the way. Then, he held up her breasts and ran his tongue all over them, finally taking her hard, erect nipple into his mouth.
Her eyes were closed, reveling in the million sensations that were coursing through her body, arching back as his hand reached under her dress and traveled up her legs, protesting as it stopped at her hips with his fingers pressing against the soft, trembling skin. Don’t tease me, she screamed in her head, tugging at his arm to go on.
He obliged by ripping off her pants and grabbing her bum to pull her forward. The first thing she felt was the feathers of his mask grazing against her inner thigh. The second was his wet tongue. Then, she stopped noticing what came next because everything seemed to happen all at once.
Perhaps, it was the strange, strange thrill of enjoying her body the way it was supposed to be, but she came quickly and violently. And it wasn’t over yet. She opened her legs and waited, moaning again as he slid inside her with a gasp. They stayed like that for a few seconds, each rejoicing the presence of the other.
Without warning, he started moving with urgency. Even in the din out of the outside, she could hear the sofa creaking in protest, but she didn’t give a shit. All that mattered was the feel of this person, this solid, breathing person who was thrusting into her and panting in her ears. She wanted to embrace him, lick his ears, bite into his shoulder, and crush lips against hers. She wanted to thank him for being unknown, for being able to excite her in the way no boy in her past ever had.
Too soon, that moment was building up again, the heat and the numbness and the spasms. Miraculously, they climaxed together, groaning and shuddering in each other’s arms.
Twenty minutes later, they were standing outside the club, sharing a smoke.
They’re doing this again next Friday, he said.
I’ll be here, she told him.