Today April 4th it's Heathcliff Andrew Ledger's birthday! I can't believe it : 32 years ! And I feel so sad , mostly because he could have a career that ended decades ! What we saw , it was just the beginnig !
Recently I've been so busy with school that I had so much less time , and I just couldn't make some pics for him , in this special date. So , I promise you guys that I'll make a special post for him !
I feel so bad , I mean , I wanted to make a huge and great post for him in his birthday but ... it can not.
Anyways what I'm going to post , may be lame or simple , but I remembered him , and I'm one of his millions of fans that every day are trying to still make his memory more alive than ever !
Happy Birthday my beautiful Heath ! I hope you are having a nice time , wherever you are ...
I love you my loveee ! I love you and I miss you so muuchh ! Why did you leave us ? Why ?
Happy Birthday sweetie ! ♥