umm... yeah so this weekend a ton of crap is going on and a lot of people wouldn't be able to make it to my party even if i could still manage to have it this weekend
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hey, just kidding, my party IS going to be next saturday (october 1) from 6-11pm and it's going to be awesome i hope so come and bring food and/or music yay
what kind of person buys presents like these??????
... and for those of you who might be interested, i think i might be having my birthday party next weekend... probably saturday afternoon/evening if you can't make it then, leave something and we will have to see eachother some other time my lovelies!
so i just went and looked at all of my friends' entries that i haven't read for the past... really long time and posted on random ones that were interesting there are a lot of people i miss and it makes me sad maybe i shouldn't have done this on my birthday... (TODAY!! :D) maybe i will talk about my today tomorrow ;)
i hate getting up early... not so much because its early as because i'm tired because i like staying up late. basically, i hate needing sleep... although one of my favorite things to do is sleep in the sun
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