righteous baby.
I know you are, baby.
But don’t you think that maybe I
am too?
I want to take
your placard of woe and
show you the things in my mind that
save me.
It is
A premium
Thing to be able to
Lick your own elbow. So try it.
Go on.
My mind
Is like the wind.
It contains elements
Of the pieces carried over
The world.
I was
Only seven
When I rolled down a hill
And became paralyzed and scared.
I froze.
Delay in my
Frequency. So sorry
For the inconvenience to
Your journey.
Rain in L.A.
It may be apparent
I am listening to ‘Pavement’
Right now.
How do
You find what it
Is that makes the day end
With a desire to wake up the
Next day?