Title: Drabble Set #2
climmy Pairing: Zico/U-Kwon, Zico/Kyung, P.O/Taeil, Zico/Junhyung
Rating: PG
Warnings: Love moments between the Block B couples with a special appearance from Junhyung. I'll try to have the second part to Wet the Bed out soon. Sorry if the suck. I wrote this at 2 this morning with a pounding headache.
“Risking” 119 words
Zico knew what he was doing was dangerous. He knew that getting caught meant certain death. But that didn’t matter to him.
Slowly climbing up the wall, he jumps down and hides in the shadows. He quickly makes his way towards the window that held the one he loved. Looking around he climbs in and shuts the window softly behind him.
He softly calls out his beloved’s name. Moments later he sees him come out with a confused look.
“What are you doing here?"
“I’m here to see you. I know the danger involved but I love you too much to let you go.” Taking a step towards him Zico pulls him into a kiss forgetting everything around him.
“Territory” 165 words
Glaring from his spot on the couch Kyung watched as his boyfriend flirted with everyone around him. Tossing back his drink he stands and makes his way towards the bar. If this was what was going to happen all night he at least wanted to be wasted for it.
The drunker he got the more he wanted to go over and smack that stupid grin off his face. But he couldn't because this was a company party and he knew how much it meant to Zico. The last thing he remembers of that night is being carried off by someone.
He wakes up in the morning with a pounding headache and not so happy and Zico glaring at him
“What happened last night?”
With a snort and giggle from P.O. he gets his answer. “Well you get so drunk that you walked over to Zico and peed on him. Then screamed to everyone how you just marked your territory and to stay away from him”
“Prize” 234 words
The fair, everyone looked forward to that. Rides, candy, food and prizes. Everyone looked forward to the prizes. Boyfriends winning sweet gifts for the one they loved.
But not Taeil his boyfriend was too busy stuffing his face full of cotton candy and something that looked like it came from the prehistoric era.
Sighing he continued to look around at all the happy people smiling and laughing as their significant others won them something. Wishing that his boyfriend would at least try to win him a toy gun.
P.O noticing his boyfriends increasingly depressed and knowing the reason behind it panicked. He didn't want Taeil to think he didn’t care. Because he did. He loved him and wanted to always be with him.
With a quick I’ll be back and a kiss to his boyfriends cheek P.O runs off. Minutes later he comes back with a smile and stands in front of him.
“Babe, I know how much you wanted a prize. I know it’s pretty selfish of me to just sit and eat all day while all the others win prizes for their boys friends. So I went a won you this.”
Curious Taeil waits to see. P.O then pulls out a giant stuffed fish. Smiling he takes it and quickly kisses P.O’s cheek. Smiling when he sees the red creep up his cheek.
“Thank you baby, this is the best gift ever.”
“Guess” 189 words
Tapping his foot he waited impatiently waited for Junhyung’s flight to land. He knew he was a little early but he was too impatient. It’s been two months since he saw him in person and he was excited to spend all the time he could with him.
Junhyung being one of the best writers, producers, rappers in Korea made him an international sensation and most wanted producer in the entire world. Not that he wasn't famous; it was that Zico preferred the comfort of their small two bedrooms home and his own personal studio.
Sighing he looks at his watch and turns around. He should be here already he thinks. Stomping like a child he walks closer to the gate hoping to get a better look.
Not really paying attention to his surroundings he doesn't notice the smirk sent his way or the hands placed over his eyes.
“Guess who baby.” He feels Junhyung whisper against his ear.
Feeling a shiver run down his body he quickly turns. He then jumps and wraps his arms around him kissing him with everything he’s been holding in these last two months.