state of the union/drop meme

Apr 09, 2009 09:49

I don't think I've done this before. But it's been on my mind lately, so now's a good time to start, y/n?

IC is so happy here! Especially this week. He just got his power partially unbound, which is extremely exciting, and he likes camp and likes meeting people and sometimes total strangers give him hugs. Camp is a magical place.

OOC oh god it's awesome to have a puppy. He can be dumb and too-literal when he needs to and he just plain LIKES people, which is strange for me but fun to pretend. I always have fun playing with him.

Plans posting with his new powers! possibly tonight, if I am feeling well enough to do it. Spending more time with people he's met. Moar puppy Mara. :<

Drop? SERIOUSLY UNLIKELY. He's easy to play, he's a sweetheart, and I like him. :3

IC is still pretty "... ...?" about camp, since he's only just gotten here. Still, it seems like it's...promising? As long as his ophorium supply holds out. He's a little "wait what omg" about living someplace where he is not simply anathema to most people, and trying to be cynical about that but not entirely managing.

OOC omg I have a new character! he's sane and competent and he's not human! eee! ...Yeah, still pretty good with him. A little paranoid because his author and publisher both have LJs, but mostly pretty happy to have him in camp.

Plans meet more people in person! Including some of the people he's talked to on the computer, ideally. Possibly do some flying over camp, see how high up he can go without hitting the barrier. Eventually he'll have to deal with the drug habit, but I'm going to handwave an adequate supply for him for a while so I can get him established before then.

Drop? no time soon. He's only just gotten here!

IC is mostly happy in camp. Sometimes terrible things happen to Capell and he can't do anything about it, and that part sucks, and he wishes the rules would go away for long enough for Stiaan to wear him out properly, but mostly camp is pretty good. He's pretty sure that going home would mean a lot of hard work and loneliness, so he's in no hurry.

OOC I go back and forth with Ed. He's kind of my spirit animal, which sometimes actually makes him harder to play? Because I worry about him too much, and he's not easy to play for humor in general (and less so when I take him too seriously). And I worry about boring people, which makes it harder to tag into people's posts, but then that leaves him with no new friends, so that's clearly a vicious cycle that needs to go.

Plans TAG MOAR. seriously. also at some point I want to genderswap him. and he and Capell have their six-month camp anniversary next week, so maybe we'll post for that.

Drop? ...not terribly likely, most of the time.

IC is pretty bored. Knows it could be worse (at least this isn't a tomb, and at least she hasn't been here for centuries), but that doesn't really help. Needs stuff to do, systems to meddle with.

OOC why you gotta be such a problem child. o wait. I like a lot of Catcher's threads when I have them, but they don't tend to lead to *relationships* very often, more just banter. Also it's hard to put her out places a lot of the time, and I feel like I don't do enough to call attention to her voices but also like I don't want to be all obnoxious and "my~ character~ is~ so~ special~" at people because seriously it's interdimensional zombie summer camp, you can't keep being surprised at every little new-and-different thing. can you? It's hard to just throw crazy people at posts, idk. I'm not self-confident enough to have an easy time of it, anyway.

Plans ...I don't even know. her account has expired right now and I can't bring myself to pay for it until I actually feel like playing her again, so that could be weeks. ._.
edit LJ has left me with all of her unmasked icons and all of her fighting/magic icons. Possibly it is trying to tell me something?

Drop? I...don't really want to. I like her, when I can get her out. And I'd sort of feel like a jackass dropping my only female character. But if I had to cut one, she'd be it.

...some days, of course, I feel like dropping everyone. But not a lot of the time. ^^;;;;

meme, status update

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