It's always kind of tricky escorting - you want to do whatever is best for the patient, but it's hard to say what that is. What would they LIKE from escorts?
So I put up a poll in
abortioninfo to see what people might like to see from us.
the poll is over here.
Comments 5
I want to point out one thing though. So far zero people have agreed with "I'd like the escorts to talk to me about what the protestors are saying ("that's not true, etc")" but...people in that community tend to be more aware of the facts of abortion, simply because that's what the community is for. So they may not feel the need for you to discount what protestors are saying. But less sure women (up to that point prolife, not sure about the facts just scared and want to get this overwith, etc.) may be more affected by what protestors say and need that reassurance. They're also less likely to be in an abortioninfo community, I would think. Just something to keep in mind.
i make jokes all the time with my patients. stupid, innocent, nonoffensive ones. i sometimes wish i could make my kind of jokes (offensive, awful, and HILARIOUS), but i know that simple, benign humor is best.
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