Title: "Darkest Before Dawn 1/3"
Status: WIP
Fandom: The Avengers (Movie)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Clint Barton/ Loki; Avengers, minor OCs
Disclaimer: The Avengers belong to Marvel.
Rating: M
Genre: Alternate Universe - Dark, post-movie, friends to lovers, H/C, angst, psychic bond
Warnings: unbeta'ed, major character death
Summary: The Avengers lose. Thanos wins. Loki claims a kingdom of his own. - In the end, we all come home.
It started like the sun rising, golden and beautiful, though it was the shroud of death and destruction. It came from the void, torn to shreds by terrible power, flooding into this realm to ground it to nothing. Everything it touched fell apart in agony, was poisoned or twisted into shapes that would prowl Earth for centuries. Those pitiful beasts would seek their own death and fulfill the sweeter task of bringing it to others.
The mortals would not live long enough to see these horrors and yet they might have named their new world 'Hell'.
Stopping the onslaught of energy, this focused wave that would wipe everything clean from the surface of Midgard, was impossible.
Loki stood atop the ruin of Anthony Stark's tower, feeling the departure of billions of souls like claws ripping, for this was now his realm. His. A kings fate was to suffer with his land and people, a concept that had always been foreign to Thor, who had cherished the privileges, yet never the responsibilities.
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LJ //