Supernatural Season 7 Episode 7 "The Mentalists"
This episode, the boys get back together, and that was the main bit of the episode, or well, the purpose. Psychic healing~ Seriously though, all that talk of family and brotherhood in this episode, and threats from Ellen from beyond the grave. That woman, I tell you, she's fucking amazing. I don't really have an overage of things to say about this episode as a whole though. There were some great moments, and some not so great moments. Let's see what we have...
1 The deaths on this show, they seem to be getting bloodier. As a fan of gore, I don't really mind, but man, the cutlery was really something.
2 See boys, this is where I wonder about you and the writing. Girl had powers of warning. DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT SOMEONE WHO IS WARNING PEOPLE OF THEIR DEATHS AS A GHOST WOULD KILL THEM? Especially when there was another in the same potential grouping. Not only that, but she tried to tell you. Sometimes you should listen to shit the ghosts want to say.
3 Creepiest ghost on the show in the longest time, and not because of the person's face being naturally creepy. Oh no, it's all in how the girl played the ghost. Angled her face, everything. You, lady, you make a damn nice ghost.
4 Oh, so part of your problem is Cas? Is that right Dean? So this is why Cas is barely being mentioned... Bah! Yes, yes, I'll still watch the show without Cas, but the progression of things to get rid of Cas and make the show about the brothers again. Still do not like it. Mostly because in the beginning stages it felt like reaching. Will Misha be back? We shall see.
5 Ellen. Fucking Ellen. Man, I love her.
My poor nail, please grow quicker. I can't fix you until you do.
Oh my, a large majority of my posts recently (see past month) have been pure media posts... Maybe I'll get back to posting about life more often, but not much happens. Not much at all. :l