Dec 15, 2016 11:30
Amusing to watch how tables have turned.
When Bernie's supporters shouted "Hillary for Prison", they were probably not aware of an important ingredient for successful criminal prosecution. It was not enough to prove "willful or reckless" mishandling of classified information, it was important to show that our enemies had gained access to it. In the quest to cover against that, somebody had destroyed the information subpoenaed by the Congress. Where there were possible footprints of Putin's hackers, there's only hissing and bubbling of the fluid acid... That successful operation emboldened a dramatic twist in the progressive party line. Defending M-me Secretary from criminal prosecution is no longer relevant.
Now we can talk about those hackers. This must be Putin, who else? The most dramatic dirt made public was uncovered from DNC servers. The key revelation that may have affected the vote was that Hillary cheated in the debates, first against Sanders then against Trump. In both cases the secret questions were stolen and delivered to Hillary by Donna Brazile, the DNC chairwoman. In the Sanders case, it was a very consequential cheat as the "woman with rash on her face" posed an intricate technical (and totally irrelevant) question that had befuddled good old Bernie and allowed Hillary to demonstrate the complete mastery of an arcane subject. This shameful put-down of one of its own candidates in favor of another had turned many minds from the party governed by its Decrepit National Committee. Kudos to the hacker who had exposed it! I suspect the blame is not on Mr. Putin (though Putin has broad shoulders) but on a disgruntled sysadmin who could not stand the ignoble DNC machine destroying Mr. Sanders.
At the same time, I am fully aware that this was an outrageous breach of our cyber-security and I hope President Trump will duly complete the investigation started by President Obama. Lock-up the perpetrator, if only for the sake of never again! I wish we could lock up Mr. Putin himself and look forward to the times the scoundrel will be locked up by his own people.
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