The oldest region of civilization in Western Etreo. The city of Vulmir grew into an empire led by a family of embedlings, the Whakmahs. They reigned for millenniums, their rule long backed by Tenshi Hikaru. They conquered the west, step by step. Just prior to the end of the Endless War, Emperor Cthulu IV initiated an invasion of the east. The Tinnum Rebellion successfully stopped the ambitious emperor, and the Whakmah Empire began to decline. It collapsed in the beginning of the 10th century of the Age of Peace, but a new empire began to form towards the end of the 10th century. Led by Meikyou Hateshiganai, the new empire united the dragons and faeries and created an unstoppable army. He reunited the west and crushed the east. For nearly a thousand years, the Hateshiganai family has ruled with an iron fist.
Race: Human (50%), Dragon (20%), Faerie (20%), Other (10%)
Ethnicity: Fake Fantasy Language
Home of dragons. The island was conquered during the Endless War by the Whakmah Empire. The dragons were made into a slave army to fight the enlils and mermans. The island was later turned into a prison for the empire's criminals, and the dragons were made the guards. The dragons joined with the Hateshiganai. For the past millennium, all dragons have been considered nobles.
Race: Dragon (95%), Other (5%)
Ethnicty: Greek
Home of faeries. The island was conquered during the Endless War by the Whakmah Empire. Gaewyr was the last region in the west to fall. The faeries were restricted from learning magic to keep them weak. They were considered too dangerous and were forced into work camps until they died. The faeries united with the Hateshiganai. For the past millennium, all faeries have been considered nobles.
Race: Faerie (95%), Other (5%)
Ethnicity: Gaelic
Bir çayı:
A small region with sparse population. In three thousand years, it has only occasionally been independent of Whakmah rule. Under the Hateshiganai rule, the region is ruthlessly dictated by Whakmah. The people of Bir çayı are hunted for sport by faeries and dragons.
Race: Human (100%)
Ethnicity: Azerbaijani
Na Azurfa:
This rich coastal region is home to many mineral deposits, making it a valuable region. The region was conquered during the Endless War thanks to the power of the dragon forces of Whakmah. The people are currently enslaved to extract the minerals for Whakmah.
Race: Merman (100%)
Ethnicity: Hausa
A vast grassland that rolls on for what seems like forever. The people of this region are largely nomadic and used to freely travel to the east. The various empires to control them have restricted movement. In ancient times, there were groups of werewolves the lived on the plains, but they warred with the more numerous enlil tribes, bring themselves to extinction.
Race: Enlil (90%), Other (10%)
Ethnicity: Indian
Karang Kepulauan
A series of tropical islands inhabited by mermans. The region is usually autonomous, but the Hateshiganai forces will occasionally attack the region to terrorized the people. The people of Karang Kepulauan were some of the only to not unite with the other eastern tribes in the various unions.
Race: Merman (70%), Other (30%)
Ethnicity: Malay
A thick jungle region. This region is controlled by the Hateshiganai Empire with an iron fist due to its easy access by sea and land.
Race: Elf (80%), Other (20%)
Ethnicity: Japanese and Chinese
A desert region. The region is sparsely populated. The region led the first eastern union against Oni Akki. Werewolves were also present in ancient times but were wiped out by sandmans.
Race: Sandman (90%), Other (10%)
Ethnicity: Swahili and Ashanti
A transition zone where winters occur, particularly near the mountains. The region is almost entirely autonomous due to how far it is from the west.
Race: Orc (95%), Other (5%)
Ethnicity: Swedish
An arctic zone with long winters and mild summers. There are few people in this region, and even fewer have traveled to and from the region.
Race: Human (85%), Other (15%)
Ethnicity: Russian