Ok, this post is going to be a lot of fangirl babbling so I'm gonna put it under a fake cut...
Oh, and beware for Twilight series spoilers, too. Especially from Eclipse.
Oh God oh God oh God !
Why does it seem that I can't stop fangirling over anything ?
Anyway... Right now, I'm fangirling like crazy over Twilight. And Jacob Black.
I liked him in Twilight, although he doesn't appear much. I loved him in New Moon, in every way possible (though he sometimes annoyed me a little, when he gets a little too much 'wolfy'). I adored him in Eclipse. I adored him to death. And since I've finished reading the book, five days ago, it's become worse.
First thing is, I haven't been able to read a single word from any book. The Twilight Books are on my nightstand, right were I left them when I finished them. I haven't been ble to read any other book, because, has stupid has it may sound, it would feel like a betrayal. When I like books too much, it takes me a little time to get over them... A little like greeving, in a way. I had planned to read His Dark Materials after this, but I haven't been able to lay my eyes on the first page. I haven't even been able to open any of the Twilight books either, especially Eclipse, since I cried so much at the end, and it makes me sad just to think about it..
So, I come to Jacob Black. Since I've finished reading the books, I've been liking him more and more. I don't, know, I guess I never really forgave Edward for leaving in New Moon, and causing al this suffering, for Bella and for Jacob. And although I do love Edward, and I do know that him and Bella make so much sense together, I've started to like Jacob better.
In Eclipse, when he kissed Bella the first time, I realised I had been waiting for that since almost the beginning... But it didn't feel totally right. While I was readig the seen, just before the fight, when Bella realises she's in love with Jacob, I was totally torn between my fangirl need to squeal and my wanting to cry so much (and I think I did both at the same time...)
But the more time passes, and the more Jacob makes sense. Maybe I just sympathize more with him than with Edward. I guess I can realte to his feelings more... I just looooove him !
And then, this morning, I was going through LJ, lurking a little on some journals, picking up new icons for my HUGE collection, when I stumbled into someone talking about Steven Strait again. The only pictures of him I had seen were in
blacklullaby's icons, but he looked just EXACTLY like I've always pictured Jacob in my head. So I went to wikipedia to find out a little more... And then on Youtube, to see how he really looked... And I found this, which actually broke my heart...
Click to view
So the truth is : Steven Strait is soooooooooooo gorgeous, and he looks exactly like Jacob when he has his hair pulled back (When his hair is down, it's too messy, I imagined Jacob with straighter hair... But a hair straightener will do the trick ^___^). I want him to play in the Twilight movie (when, he might look a little too old for Twilight, but I'm hoping their would be a New Moon and an Eclipse movie after that, and there he MUST play Jacob !) His smile is just PERFECT ! He is gorgeous ! *squeee*
And now I WANT to see Undiscovered ! I want I want I want ! *stamps foot* But I can't seem to find it anywhere... Damn it, aren't you supposed to find anything on the internet ?
Well, if I don't find it soon, and if I have enough money, I think I'm going to buy it. I found it for 13 dollars on Amazon, which is, like, 8 euros... (I love the Euro/Dollar exchange rate !!)
I want the soundtrack too !
Well, I think that'll be all for today, if I write and/or fangirl more, I think I'm gonna explode...
One of my friend has just bought Twilight (although in French, she can't read in English), I just can't wait for her to read it, so that I can fangirl over it with her ! XD