I'm supposed to work, I have exams coming up next week, but here I am, procrastinating again...
So I decided to take the Twilight Survey that I found at
boundary 's journal.
Which book in the series is your favorite?
How long did it take you to read the books?
Mmmmm... About two weeks. I knew I would only have these three to read, so I tried to read them as slowly as I could...
Who introduced you to the books?
I read about them in
blacklullaby's journal (I could never thank you enough for that !)
Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?
I had my parents buy them to me for Xmas. I was soooo broke at the time ! I had heard of the books about a month or two before Xmas, and I had the hardest time having to wait to read them...
Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie?
Breaking Dawn. I am litterally DYING to find out what happens next...
What's your dream ending to the series?
My dream ending... What would make me the happiest would be Bella realising Jacob's the one she needs. But what I would feel is right is Bella being turned into a vampire by Edward and Jacob imprinting, so that they would all find the happiness they deserve...
Who is your favorite character?
Who's your favorite vampire?
Obviously, Edward. But I also adore Alice.
Who is your favorite werewolf?
Apart from Jacob ? Hmm... Sam, I guess.
What's one of your favorite quotes from the stories?
Can't I chose 2 ?
"I would have been the air, the sun... [...] But I can't fight with an eclipse..."
"Before you, Bella, my life was a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."
What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?
The meadow, of course.
What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?
Then again, very obvious, the kiss (the second one ♥)
How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment?
Hmm... The slumber party ! XD
What was your favorite adventure/battle?
the battle in Eclipse frightened me the most. I was praying for no one to die while reading it ! XD
Which book cover was your favorite?
Eclipse. Such a beautiful allegory. Me and my friend have a lot of theories about this one ! XD
Are these books among your favorite books of all?
This or That?
Twilight or New Moon?
New Moon
New Moon or Eclipse?
Eclipse or Twilight?
Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?
Breaking Dawn
Midnight Sun or the Twilight Movie?
Midnight Sun (duh !)
The Twilight Movie or Breaking Dawn?
Breaking Dawn !!!
Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob?
Who do you like more:
Bella or Edward?
Bella or Jacob?
Bella or Alice?
Alice or Edward?
It may sound weird but I think it's a tie ! I love them both, but in different ways.
Alice or Jacob?
Jacob. Always Jacob. XD
Rosalie or Alice?
Jasper or Alice?
Jasper or Edward?
Carlisle or Esme?
Emmett or Jasper?
Jasper. I love Emmett, but I have a thing for darker characters...
Emmett or Jacob?
Bella or Rosalie?
Bella. Rosalie annoys me. I thought I might like her more after I learned what happened to her, but the truth is : I don't. Althought I understand how she feels.
Esme or Charlie?
Charlie or Carlisle?
Charlie or Billy?
Billy. I like Billy !
Jacob or Sam?
Sam or Quil?
Sam. I find Sam's guilt really appealing...
Quil or Embry?
Errr... Embry, I guess...
Who's the better villain: James or Victoria?
Victoria is much more frightening. Less ovious than James, but in the end, much more vicious !
Werewolves or Vampires?
Movie Stuff:
How did you first find out about the movie?
Through Livejournal, of course ! XD
Are you excited?
Not really...
What do you think of the casting so far?
There are times when I can see a little bit of Edward in Robert Pattinson... But most of the time, it just doesn't work for me. But I'm not one of those haters either. It's just hard to find someone to fit what everybody's has in their head, since everybody sees a different Edward !
As for Kristen Bell, I find her a little too cold to be Bella. But you never now, if there's chemistry between those two, it might work !
Are you going to go see it?
I don't know... I think that I'll download it, since I won't be able to stand watching it in French, if it is ever released here.
Planning on going with anyone in particular?
My best friend. I introduced her to the books about two weeks ago, and for two weeks we've been calling each other twice a day, texting each other, e-mailing each other just to talk about the books... XD
Do you think it will stay true to the book?
I'm afraid not. I've always been disappointed by movies adapted from books. I think it will always look better in my head.
Breaking Dawn Speculation:
Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it's out?
Of course ! I'm alread planning on harrassing every bookstore in town so that I can be sure to have it on the same day it comes out in the US (if they can do it for Harry Potter, they can do it for Twilight !)
Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally?
I don't know. I hope so, though.
Do you think she and Edward will get married?
If Bella doesn't get cold feet, they definitely will.
Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?
Once again, I hope so. That way, everyone could be happy... And I DO want a happy ending !
Who do you think Bella will end up with : Edward or Jacob?
Edward. I still keep hoping for Jacob, though.
Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?
Please please please let it be a happy ending ! Or I will spend days crying about it again ! ;^;
Who do you think will be the villain(s) of the book this time?
The Volturi, I guess... I really want to find out what Alec's power is... Plus Stephenie Meyer hinted that they would be coming back...
How would you feel about a possible vampire / werewolf cross?
I also think it may happen... Why not ?
Will Charlie find out Edward is a vampire?
No, I don't think he will.
Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?
Hmm... Yeah, I guess.
If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?
Well, Bella will, in order to become a vampire. Otherwise ? I don't know... Maybe one of the werewolves. Or Billy. I don't know why, but I have this feeling that Billy might die.
For a twist: what would you think if Edward was somehow turned human?
Hmm. I don't see how that could happen, but it would make things a lot easier, in a way...
Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book?
I don't think he ever will be. He'll always love her, in a way. But if he imprints, and if he is happy, that love won't be something that makes him suffers anymore.
What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn?
I only want Jacob to be happy !
What's your dream ending?
Dream ending ? Well, Jacob/Bella would be my dream ending... Althought I would feel bad for Edward, but...
A Few Last Things:
In which book did you like Bella's character best?
New Moon.
How about Edward's?
Twilight. I never forgave Edward for leaving. I don't think I ever will.
Alice is always made of win. XD
If it were possible...who would you most want to meet in person?
This is a difficult question... I would love to meet Jacob, as he is my favourite character... But meeting Edward would also be really awesome ! XD