So... Here's my recap and pictures for the show in Paris, at the Furia...
This post was so heavy I had to cut it in two parts, since it made my computer crash 3 times >____< So it is NOT DIAL-UP FRIENDLY !
So, I went to the Furia with my friend, and I was there mostly to see Panic but we also came the day before that. Anyway, we arrived extra early at the stage where Panic would be playing, and people were already there, but I could easily be near the stage.
The concert was awesome (as usual...). I was kind of surprised when they arrived on stage and played 'She's a Handsome Woman', since pretty much everybody was expecting 'We're so Starving'... But I think they did all my favourites from Pretty. Odd., except for 'Folkin' Around', which I would have loved to hear live, but I'll get another chance, I guess. They also did quite a few songs from AFYCSO, and every little bit of it was just awesome !
I was so squeezed during the show that I broke my cellphone... But it's still working, only the screen is broken, so it doesn't matter. And now every time I look at it I'm like 'I broke it at a Panic show! ♥'
Now on to the pictures ! I'm sorry, some of them are a little blurry...
They're all huge, if you wan the fullsize just click the pic !
Ryan and his tambourine are seriously hot !
Ryan + tongue = so much love ! ♥♥♥♥
Such a cutie >____<
I love me some Ryden ♥
I LOVE that pic !! And even though you can't see his whole face, the lip bitting is soooo hot !
Sorry, but that's the most Spencer you're going to see here... Blame the sucky angle, the drums where in the way and hid his face most of the time... ç___ç
Ahhhh, Ryan, could you look more like you're out of the seventies ?
At some point, some big MTV balloon arrived on stage from the crowd.
And Zack went to take it away, but Ryan was all like 'No, let me kick it', and he did... After that he looked pretty proud of himself XD So cute !
LOL his face
Part 2 is
over here !