Untitled Mike Carden POV fic
~1473 words, PG-13, Butcher/Siska Mike Carden POV
The thing about Butcher and Siska is that they’re having sex.
Yeah, I just felt like writing something Butcher/Siska. I love them as a pairing and wish to populate the fic world with more fic about them.
Fic )
Comments 4
Mike’s told it’s adorable. Mike thinks it’s kind of retarded because he can barely fit in his bunk by himself most days.
I love that line so much. I don't see nearly enough great Mike POV, and it makes me sad in the pants.
It makes so much sense that Carden wouldn't get to his own threatening speech for a whole year because 'stuff came up'. This is why he's my favy, clearly. Him and the Butcher.
Butcher does a double take, eyes narrowing slightly, but there’s a tiny smile on his face too.
I can seriously see the Butcher do this *hearts*. And jesus, how much do I love that he courted Sisky with his mothertrucking bass guitar? So much bonus points for this fic, seriously.
Oh god, I had to add the courting. It would like piss Siska off, but he also like it and Butcher would be like I don't understand what's wrong with courting.
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